Spring Semester Course Request Question

<p>What is meant by "Additional Time" on the Time Table of Classes when looking at the various courses to select next semester? So many courses state the day of the week and time they meet and then list this "Additional Time" which is a different day and time altogether.</p>

<p>which class</p>

<p>2305 Foundations of Physics I</p>

<p>2064 Global Econ and World Politics</p>

<p>1114 Exploration Engineering Design</p>

<p>1224 Vector Geometry</p>

<p>The frustrating part of these “additional times” in trying to put together a schedule, is that the “add times” are usually a different time block and day block (MWF, TTU) then their normal meeting time and they conflict with other courses.</p>

<p>Are these additional times usually mandatory or are they office hours, extra help hours, study group hours, etc.?</p>


<p>For most of the ones you listed, it is a recitation where the TA provides help, etc. Some teachers will take attendance at these as part of the grade, so you may need to go each each. It is frustrating, but you do need to plan your schedule with the initial assumption you will be required to attend these.</p>