Spring Transfer

<p>My application was processed on the 11th, and it's been about a week. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about how long it will take until an admission decision will be made?</p>

<p>I visited the campus last week, and I absolutely fell in love! I really hope I get in!</p>

<p>Shell! I had my application proccessed the same day! keep me up to date with your proccess, and i’ll do the same! Glad to know i’m not going through this wait alone…lol what are your stats?</p>

<p>Well, I’m a freshman right now, and for high school, I would’ve been an automatic admit (top 5% of the class, 28 on the ACT, lots of extra curriculars, etc.)</p>

<p>Right now at my college, I’m not really sure why my GPA is, but I’m taking four classes (13 hours) and my midterm grades are 2 A’s and 2 B’s.</p>

<p>I came in to college with 25 hours from AP and Dual credit, so I’m pretty close to being considered a sophomore!</p>

<p>Hopefully we get out admission decisions soon, because I’m absolutely nervous!</p>

<p>Sorry - there were a few words in there that got auto-corrected by my phone! Lol.</p>

<p>I am hoping to hear something soon, I heard the other day I may not even hear until March… I hope that’s not true in my situation. I have a 4.0 24 on the ACT, and am in tons of leadership roles, as well as extra cirricular stuff. We will see!</p>

<p>Based on my experience, I applied for spring transfer August 2nd and I got accepted early October…so about 2 months for me. I was an auto admit though with the TAPP agreement I signed before I graduated high school, so it may be longer for you. Hopefully you hear something soon!</p>

<p>Well, on the website, they said they’d let everyone know at the latest, in December. I don’t think if you’re transferring for the Spring, they’d let you know that late!</p>