<p>Hey guys! I'm not sure if a topic was made or talked about someplace else for this, but I've just made a Facebook Group for all and any spring 2010 Cornell transfers.</p>
<p>I was accepted for Fall of 2009, but I couldn't go because we got absolutely nothing from financial aid and just one more semester at my community college and I can go (still have to reapply, but although Cathy Sheils couldn't guarantee my re-acceptance, she said I'm already over prepared to enter as a COM major and as long as I keep my grades up, the prospect is good.)</p>
<p>So yeah, I figured transferring in the spring can be awkward and everyone could use some help and new friends, so if you've got a Facebook, definitely join up and provide as much information as it comes to light. (Hopefully I'm allowed to post a link like this here!)</p>
<p>Cornell</a> 2010 Spring Transfers! | Facebook</p>
<p>oh! i was guaranteed for Spring :] i just joined</p>
<p>i’m seeing brand new next week! Have to say, they’re amazing.</p>
<p>yeah lol theyre probably one of the best acts ive seen live. are you a spring transfer for '10 too? uhh i dunno what bump means?</p>
<p>wait, i joined the 09 one by mistake. uhh i cant find the 2010 one?</p>
<p>yeah, I can’t find the 2010 either. It’s probably nonexistent. But yes, I’m going to apply for a spring transfer. How do you already know you’re guaranteed? If you don’t mind my asking.</p>
<p>i guess i’ll make one then? hah, umm i applied for Fall 09 and got a deferred acceptance for Spring 10. it was like “ohhhh ummm we’d love for you to come in the fall, but come in the spring cause we’ll have room for you then”.</p>
<p>Well, I just joined it. I bet you’re excited! Where did you transfer from? slash, did you have amazing stats?</p>
<p>Oh ef, my bad guys, didn’t think anyone would re-find this topic. I made the group originally but then it got bumped down like, 3 pages within the first day I posted it, so I decided to delete the group.</p>
<p>But this works too! I’ll just join that one
And we can keep this topic alive for people going spring.</p>
<p>But yeah, my story is alive in the first post…(wish I could edit that and put your group in there instead…hm.)</p>
<p>im transferring out of nj, from a CC. whos slash? lol i dunno if that was directed towards me or not</p>
<p>“slash” like, “/” haha, I do that too sometimes, when you write out the word slash instead of just putting a /</p>
<p>oh hahah i guess i had decent stats, nothing “amazing”. 3.8 gpa, ptk, honors classes, school clubs, i’m in a band… i dunno, i guess a lot of fun stuff confused the admissions comm into thinking i was cool or something :P</p>
<p>Thought I’d bump this so we can expand our spring transfer posse, haha. Note to anyone joining: the first link doesn’t work because my group got deleted accidently, so click on Lacey’s group (BrandNew) a couple posts down.</p>
<p>i wonder what transferring in the spring is gonna be like? because they go all out with orientation in the fall, so i wonder if there’s anything similar to that in the spring?</p>
<p>Actually, I was a member of the class of 2012 GT group (just for gathering info purposes) and I met a guy who was at Cornell and a member of the student transfer committee. He joined the group and let us ask questions to help us out with the process and what to expect.</p>
<p>According to him, the spring orientation is better than the fall, they assist us way more in getting adjusted and settling in. I imagine there’s a lot less students too, so greater tour guide to new kid ratio, haha.</p>
<p>We also have, on paper at least, a better chance of living on west campus considering so many upperclassmen study abroad and vacate some dorms. I’m sure they have some empties set aside as well (not to mention drop-outs, transfers, etc…I say we’ll be good.)</p>
<p>I’m rocking back and forth with the single vs. double idea…not sure which seems more appealing to me. Roommate/consistent company/perhaps easier to get? or privacy/my own space/the ability to invite (and not invite) whoever I want in.</p>
<p>oh! thanks! that actualy puts a lot of my worrying to ease… </p>
<p>however, im deff going for a double atleast… im a very social person but im terrified of being the one kid to not make friends right away
so im gonna atleast hit the ground running by getting a roommate to pair out with for the beginning… haha</p>
<p>Fine, we don’t have to be friends</p>