Sprint vs. ATT/Cingular vs. Verizon

<p>What service do most people have at Penn? Which one gets the best service there?</p>

<p>i have AT&T/Cingular. i’m not at penn yet, but i worked there over the summer, and it worked perfectly fine.</p>

<p>i think any of those three would be completely fine because you’re in a large metropolitan area, so you’ll get great service no matter what.</p>

<p>Verizon is practically the only service used in the tristate area so I’d assume it won’t be much different at Penn</p>

<p>at&t has a student discount; most people use either at&t or verizon</p>

<p>ATT, verizon, and sprint are all really popular. You’ll do fine with any of those. It’s amazing how much better coverage has gotten in the 4 years since I started - I used to be unable to get reception in the rooftop lounges or forum floor of huntsman, but even those areas have been covered now. (ATT is big because of the iphones, and vzw and sprint for blackberries). I believe all of the companies have student discounts if you dig around on the penn website for the codes.</p>

<p>Even t-mobile gets reception in the most urban areas of campus; I’d recommend against it for the rest of the country though.</p>

<p>AT&T and Verison are the best on campus. My friends with Sprint complain now and then about not getting service in their rooms or elsewhere. I would get either Verison or AT&T, which ever is better for you at home.</p>