<p>hey! i'm a girl in a triple, what about everybody else? although a bit early, Nice to meet everyone =)</p>
<p>and don’t shoot me, this thread is for sproul hall specifically, not a general housing thread…</p>
<p>haha someone is excited, sproul is cool, especially if you get the south side even number on top floor (like me :D, yes thats the campus view side) oh and the showers kinda suck… :(</p>
<p>you are so helpful dude! cant wait to get room assigment! how far would you say it is from science classes walking? is ucla bike friendly?</p>
<p>depends on the your pace if i walk fast i can get to MS (math science) in less than 15 minutes from sproul, but normally i like to take my time and listen to music while i go so like 25-30 minutes for me
but most people can do it under 20… and not really bike friendly as there is 2 big hills its like a dip in the middle of campus as classes and dorms are on two hills…</p>
<p>haha so no bike, got it! lol lots of walking, freshman 15 shall not prevail!</p>
<p>well its possible to bike but i think it is easier if you are an north campus major as you can up around from the north side (less steep hill), actually bring one if you want, just incase you oversleep and in a hurry to get to class (although when i oversleep i just ditch lol) btw north campus=history, language, arts… south campus=math science engineering if you didn’t already know… another tip i would say is when you go to orientation and play classes try not to have hour gaps, you might think its a good break but you’ll get bored and 1 hour is not enough time to walk back to your room then back to class again…</p>
<p>oh ok, is 20 min between classes enough to get to them, im a science major so ill be in south campus but north for ge’s</p>
<p>umm 10 minutes is enough in most cases (i had 2 classes from south campus to far north campus and i made it in 10 minutes, franz to bunche) so don’t worry about planning your classes back to back, they normally start on the hour and end at 50, some end up 45 so you have plenty of time to go to the next one…</p>
<p>thanks once again! what is your major?</p>
<p>im civil engineering (i think im the only one in these forums as no one would answer any of my civil engineering questions lol)</p>
<p>oooh thats awesome, haha i know, it sux when that happens, thanks for answering my thread youre the only one who did for this one!</p>
<p>haha i think a lot of the forum regulars are not on tonight or something, plus i am home and not much to do as i didn’t bring homework home :D</p>
<p>haha sorry. hey, is westwood easy to get to, as in walking distance?</p>
<p>yeah like 10 minute walk, not far at all</p>
<p>yay! are the movie theatres in westwood? lol stupid question, sorry…</p>
<p>yeah there is 4 i believe (2 on the corner of CPK, Diddy reese, red mango area, 1 down the street like a block away and the last one is close to the south end of westwood, all only show 1 movie at a time tho) there is a bigger amc a little bit more south… and then you can go to century city or 3rd street by bus if you want to go that far</p>
<p>do you really see celebrities on campus?</p>
<p>not a lot… i seen adam sandler at the gym once, and sandra day o’connor once (if she counts) and bosh and baron davis (if you like basketball) during summer there is a pro tennis tournament so you see a lot of tennis stars, chelsea (english soccer team) came 2 years ago that was really awesome, i think they are coming again this summer… but no you don’t see them a lot :(</p>