SRAR course level

S is filling out the SRAR. He has multiple Advanced Honors courses - I assume we use Advanced as the course level (they offered regular honors and advanced honors of the course). Also he attends a college prep school and his guidance counselor told us that all his classes are at least CP level and not standard - even gym. The transcript doesn’t say either one but only lists weight options as Honors, Adv & AP.

How did his HS counselor tell him to enter Advanced Honors classes?

Fundamentally, advanced and honors on the SRAR are basically equivalent.

If the transcript course name includes ‘advanced honors’, and advanced honors classes have higher weighting than honors, I would choose “high honors” on the SRAR for the advanced honors classes.

Make sure to enter the course names EXACTLY as they are on the transcript (you can go in and edit that field if you initially populate it with “honors english” or whatever.)

The colleges will know the HS’s class level offerings and will sort thru that, so you can’t really make a mistake.

It’s fine to list electives as CP.


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