SRAR Coursework

After I sent my application to Virginia Tech I was told that I must self report my academic record and so far the process has been less than clear. I have two questions.

First: If I took one of the required core math classes in middle school, but don’t remember nor have access to my final grade, what should I do?

Second: Under science coursework, how do i indicate that I have taken two different levels of physics, one during junior year and another during senior year?

A response from someone familiar with SRAR or someone who has already filled out their SRAR under similar circumstances would be very much appreciated :slight_smile: thanks.


Does the middle school class show up on your H.S. transcript? That’s the way it works in our school district in VA. If not, and you are sure that the course counted as high school credit, then I’d suggest you call the middle school to get your transcript or possibly have your H.S. GC try to do that for you.

As far as the two physics classes, you just enter each course you took and it will ask what year you took it. I’m assuming that the course names are different so I wouldn’t expect any problem with this. It’s very common for students to take different levels of the same subject.