SRAR - Middle School Transcript has only 3 entries

Started filling up the SRAR. There is a section for Middle school, but the transcript given by the High-school has only 3 subjects from the middle school listed. Also, wondering why middle school scores are required when they don’t even consider that.

It’s probably for the math courses you can take in middle school, along with foreign language. So Algebra/Geometry/Spanish etc.

Algebra1, Computer Science(BIMS) and ART - from 8th grade are in the transcript.

That’s great. So if you’re getting high school credit for thesee courses, then yes, they’ll be included on SRAR.

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Some kids take courses in middle school that count as high school credit. Algebra 1 is the most common. Those are the only ones that you need to put on your SRAR—courses that you received high school credit for.

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