<p>mpicz, everything they tell you if for you to use. If you pick 25 as the answer, you would have fallen for a trap. Three times as many girls as boys play the piano, not are in the class. Only 1/4 of the girls play the piano and that is 3 times as many as 1/8 of the boys THAT PLAY THE PIANO, not in the class.</p>
<p>i agree with you, i would start with plugging in the answers first.
but i think you forgot the part about the fact that it is only 1/8 of the boys and 1/4 of the girls that play the piano. </p>
<p>so with this in mind… plug in 5.</p>
<p>5 x 8 = 40 (the total number of boys in the class) so there would be 60 girls in the class.
then you divide 60 by 4 (since 1/4 of the girls in class play piano), and you get 15. </p>
<p>behold, 15 is three times bigger than 5. </p>
<p>but yea, im just correcting mistakes, not much else.
definitely take advantage of the answer keys.</p>