SSAT Questions

Quick question about how the SSAT is regarded by boarding schools (specifically GLADCHEMMS schools) - How much are they worth in your application?

Though a significantly lower than average (for the school) might hurt your application, is there any difference between a student who scored 96th percentile vs a student who scored 99th percentile, in terms of how they’re treated by admissions? Some people I’ve talked to told me that these schools use the SSAT score only to verify that they’re capable of withstanding their academics and that a score above certain point is all they need, whereas others have told me that every point counts.

Also, do certain schools look for certain sections of your scores more than others? For example, I scored 99th percentile in both reading & verbal whereas I received a 96th percentile in quantitative - however, do any of the schools prioritize one section of the SSAT? I’ve heard that the essay is the most important part, and I’m wondering if they also have priorites for the scored sections.

I understand that SSAT scores are only a part of your application, but I’m trying to figure out how big of a part that is.

Thank you!

Your scores are fine and good enough. I’m confident that doing any better will not change the results of your application whatsoever. (if those are your scores)

There is no difference between a 95 across the board v. a 98.


Your scores are great, focus on the rest of your application as the SSAT are just one piece. Note: There are schools that mandate the scores (e.g., Exeter, Lawrenceville, groton) vs others that are optional. Exeter tends to say the essay is the most important because it is the only genuine piece of writing that they get, while other schools acknowledge that it is a timed piece of writing.

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It is used to assess generally if you can do the work. Your score is fine. An applicant with a 99 is not perceived as better than one with a 90. In your case, you’ve checked the box.


Any idea which schools need the Character skills snapshot and how and when they use it?

We paid for it, never did it - even for the schools that preferred it and were never asked for it. I would ask if it is a must have.

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The SSAT serves as more of a cutoff, and more likely that AOs won’t have bias based on a 90 or 98 score. Once you’ve met the minimum score requirement for the school you’re applying to, the SSAT doesn’t have a big impact your admission.

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Thank you