<p>Hi guys,</p>
<pre><code>I am about to take the SSAT's in about 2 days. Could you guys tell me, anonymously, your overall score and percentile so I know what to expect? I took some practice test and got an overall score, but I want to know what the percentile might be. Thanks!
<p>My son took it as an 8th grader last year. Overall score was 91% with a number score of 2226. The math section was an 81% with a 749. He took it a second time and got exactly the same math score. He did get accepted to a TSAO school, if that makes you feel better. :). Good luck!</p>
<p>I am taking it in two days as well! Last year, I took it and got in the 93rd percentile. I was wait-listed at a couple of the schools I applied to, although I don’t think it was because of the score. I am reapplying for schools this year, to enter in 10th grade. I can’t really tell you what your percentile might be, because each year, your score gets compared to the others who tested with you.</p>
<p>Thank you so much @leafyseadragon! I’m so glad that your son made it in! I feel a lot better now, thanks!</p>
<p>I am applying for 10th grade as well @violinjaa! What a coincidence! What schools are you applying for? I am applying to St. Paul’s, Exeter, Middlesex, and Deerfield.</p>
<p>@Olkerpaw56 I’m applying to Andover!
Good luck!</p>
<p>I have no idea what the January scores are like but I took the December test and got a fairly high scaled score but a low percentile for that score. I am retaking in January and hoping the percentiles are higher.</p>
<p>Yeah, usually the December one is the hardest, as it is the one with the most international students, and January is usually the second toughest percentile wise.</p>
<p>My daughter tool Dec 2013 test and thought she completely failed the math section. Turns out everyone else didn’t do so well on math either (I think) so her math was 76% despite only answering half the questions!
Overall 90% 2184
93% V
76% M
91% R
Looking at her scores it looks like the bar out of 2400 was lower for her peer group. Her score was below 2200 but she still broke 90%? Is that the right way to look at it? These actual percentages were so different than our expectations from the practice tests.</p>
<p>It really does vary because I scored just under 2200 and I was just under 80th percentile for my pool.</p>
<p>Math percentile gets really skewed, if you miss one you won’t get a 99, you’ll probably end up with like a 95, which is weird.</p>
<p>Anyway, I took the December one, got a 98 overall.</p>
<p>99 math
99 verbal
93 reading</p>