SSAT score report! 🎉🎉




Looking at the scores and comparing the raw and scaled scores for my DC vs your report, it seems like in Quants the percentile drops by 3 for just 3 point drop in score whereas the percentile remains the same for 21 point drop in reading ie there are a lot of students at the 96-99 percentile in quants

well done. I find it interesting that the test is for 8-12 graders which makes the score even more impressive. I am sure the privates are scaling the score based on entry year but that is phenomenal for a 12th grader let alone 8th.

Wow, that’s so impressive! I am also in the 8th grade and I am going to take the SSAT. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you study for it?



How I’d advise you to study verbal depends on how soon you’re taking the SSAT.

For example, if you’re going to take it in a few months, don’t start memorizing long lists of words - you’re not going to remember them that long. Instead, I’d advise you to start reading texts well above your reading level to gain a grasp on higher level vocabulary.

One text I think helped me, as an example, was The Federalist Papers. Its antiquity and flowery writing style allows you to see the usage of uncommonly used words (though I actually read that for fun, unrelated to the SSAT). I obtained the entirety of my verbal knowledge through reading, allowing me to not have to study word lists at all!

If you’re taking it in a week or two, however, I definitely advise lists - or, if you’ve done the above for a few months and still want assistance, likewise. Personally, I think they’re harder to memorize when studying through tools like these, but it’s definitely more efficient.

One thing you should note though: the practice tests on EMA are way harder than the actual thing. I averaged 40-45 questions right on those, nowhere close to the 53 I received on the final test.

Over the span of August 9-21, I retook all of Algebra I on Khan Academy (since I forgot most of what I learned in it last year). 100% completion, mastery of all subjects, plus practice tests on EMA. I guess that sums up most of my quantitative study.

How you study, however, variates among people. You might already know everything in Algebra I, for example. I’d recommend you take quantitative practice tests and see what you do and don’t know. If you’re taking it soon, focus on the questions you get wrong and learn how to get those right. (I did this last year when taking the Middle Level SSAT, and got the same 99-96-99 percentile scores lmao)

I can’t really help you here, since I didn’t study for reading. Umm, I guess read at a higher level?

Personally the texts in the test were really hard compared to the ones I found in the full practice tests. Learn higher level vocabulary (the same as for verbal), but also read texts with harder and more complex sentence structure.

The Federalist Papers, as I mentioned for verbal, is an example of one of the more complex texts, though I would not advise reading it unless you’re a US history nerd like me. Rather, I think older texts just have more flowery writing styles, which are seen in some of the SSAT questions (to my recollection).

(Take everything with a grain of salt however, as I am only an eighth grader).

Hope this helps!

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I second what Floorboard has said. Very succinctly put. In addition if you have less than two months, study this book from Amazon

504 Essential Words for SSAT & ISEE (Upper): With Roots/Synonyms/Antonyms/Usage and more… Paperback – August 30, 2018

by J Jonathan (Author)

It goes over and beyond what SSAT asks.

Also practice on and The latter is significantly tougher than the actual test. The SSAT practice tests simulate the actual test most accurately.


So the OP is in 12th grade? Or 8th? Confused…

The best way to study quickly IMO is to use the practice materials on the SSAT website. For $140 you can take practice tests, practice questions, individual sections, etc. It also tells you your weakest parts of the test so you know how to focus your study and not study things you already know. The best $$ we ever spent. And got the exact score as the OP but as a 7th grader. Use the materials and slam it every day. You can do it!!

Also, don’t forget you can keep taking it until you get the score you want (they give 5/week I think) and most schools super score their tests. So don’t sweat it if you have 3 high sections from 3 different tests… most schools will take the highest scores from each submitted test. I obviously don’t know the schools you are applying to, so I would call to confirm. One last thing, there’s no rush on the test. You do not have to have your test scores submitted at the same time as your application. So you could submit your application in time for an interview (like November) and not submit your test until the due date for the application in Jan. You have plenty of time. You will crush it!!

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You have received some great advice, @karina.4. I would add that if you’re located outside of the US and Canada, testing options will be more limited as the SSAT Home Tests will not be available. This is something for international students to bear in mind. DS was a late applicant in the last admissions cycle and he had only one opportunity to take a paper test where we live.

One other thing! Writing an essay on paper with a pencil is a different kind of skill, especially for digital natives who are used to zippily typing their work. Although generally a strong writer, DS was perhaps most apprehensive about the essay part of the test, which is done first. Writing something that he’d felt disappointed with or had not being able to finish because his hand seized up or whatever would have been demoralizing. So, in the weeks leading up to the test, he would set a timer for 25 minutes every day to practice with random prompts, which he found helpful. Like any skill, this is something that can be improved upon with a bit of practice! Although the essay is not graded, DS felt more confident taking the remainder of the test with a solid piece of writing under his belt.

Wishing you the best of luck!

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I’m in 8th.