SSAT Superscoring and Concerns Revolving It

hello everyone. as you may know, this time of year is a prime opportunity to work on prep school and college admissions. I just took the SSAT for yet a 3rd time yesterday morning and I have mixed feelings. I am fairly confident I did much better on my reading section with at least an 80th percentile. I need at least a score of 2238 to get a 95th percentile overall, based on others’ prior results I know. but here’s the problem: I don’t think I did as well on my verbal as the 2nd time I took the test. the 2nd time I took the test, I got an 81st percentile on verbal, a 97th percentile on math, and a 71st percentile on reading. I’m confident that this time, my math will be a perfect 99th percentile, my reading will be at least 80th percentile, but I’m unsure of my verbal. this leads to the overall question being: do Phillips Exeter, Phillips Andover, and St. Paul’s all do superscoring? if they do, that would be great because I can send in my highest scores for each section. thanks everyone!!

If a school Superscores, you still have to send your full score report for each test. The schools on their own the choose to superscore or not, but they still receive all your subcategory scores.

Wait, is this true? I think I can hit that on my next test if it is.

To be honest, I don’t think so. The first time I took the SSAT, I got a 2220 which was a 90th percentile overall, and 91st in my gender. So getting a 2238 would only be a 93rd percentile at most.

Percentiles are not reproducible across different test administrations. A 2220 might be 90th percentile on one administration and 93rd percentile on the next.


NMH told me they take into consideration the scaled score, not the percentiles.

@lilyesh the interview goddess speaks the truth.


Hi jackbl192, I actually did hit a 96th percentile with a score of 2271! hope that helps.

It wasn’t true for me. I got 2250 something, but I got 94%