SSAT Verbal :-I

<p>Who has any books, flashcards, or techniques to recommend to help me/others study for the verbal part of the SSAT's??? Did studying Latin/Greek roots help you figure out difficult words on the test???</p>

<p>Okay, well I got 99% on the Verbal (no idea HOW. I guessed on like, 5 of them. xD) But studying words out of a book actually didn't help me that much, and most of the words I knew because they were in books that I had read, or on one question, a tv show. (Lol, the subtitles were on and I was annoyed but oh well, it helped me!) I do think that studying the roots would help a LOT, though, since some of the words I recognized as being French cognates.</p>

<p>Use [url=<a href=""&gt;]FreeRice[/url&lt;/a&gt;], not only does it help strengthen your vocab, but for each question you get right rice is donated to starving people.</p>

<p>i agree with Mdog795^^^^^^^^^^ :)</p>


<p>Thanks for the advice... so far I've probably raised like 10,000 grains of rice. Thx</p>

<p>wow that did help thanks <3</p>

<p>did freerice really help you guys that much?i am struggling with the vocab and anlogy part of the SSAT's..i just moved here a year and a half ago and i'm not very fluent in english...i mean, i can speak the language, but i don't know a lot of big words..i'm worried that i might not get into my desired school because of low SSAT scores..</p>

<p>the only bright side is that i'm pretty confident with the math part of it since i've been practicing for a long time..</p>

<p>i have good ec's, i think..
i play soccer and softball..and badminton..
in the past few years, i have joined numerous clubs and have earned state recognitions back in the philippines..i also placed first place last year in vermont for the new england math league..i have done folk dancing and african drumming in the past, and i'm also planning on doing keyboard next year..i have been an active girl scout and have earned some leadership awards..i'm also and active member of my church..i sang in the church choir and is doing chorus in school..</p>

<p>some people say that i am a great listener..i get along very well with my teachers and i think they will give good reccomendations.. :D i'm very hard working.. (:</p>

<p>do you think i can make it into a prestigious boarding school with this resume? =]</p>

<p>oh, and also, since 7th grade, the lowest grade i have ever gotten is an 89.2 (:
i'm also taking french this year, fluent in tagalog, knows how to speak english and basic spanish.. (: i recently won a poster-making contest in my school..i read a lot and is very outgoing.. :] i skipped 6th grade..i do well with my essays in school (a B is a very high grade for my english teacher). i've done some community services and i help my friends do their homework everyday..</p>

<p>Asiankid29, what schools are you going to apply to???</p>

<p>I studied Latin for three years (switched to Chinese) and it seemed to have somewhat an impact on the vocab. </p>

<p>Personally I would make flash cards out of the words in the Kaplan glossary that I didn't know, then do the same for the roots. I would also read some advanced literature (The Fountain Head by Ayn Rand is a really good book, not only has a lot of SAT and SSAT words but improves RC).</p>

<p>i'm looking at emma willard school (my number 1 choice right now)..but i also want to try exeter and andover..and the acceptance rate at those 2 schools are really low..</p>

<p>the people from emma willard school said that they really liked me, and if i don't make it to andover or exeter(which is very likely), i will definitely go there..</p>

<p>how about u latin555?</p>

<p>thank you for your help!i'm just gonna try, no, i'm going to DO my best and hope for good results.. (: i have been feeling really bad lately because i couldn't get the vocabularies and the analogies right and i was so scared that i might not get into a prep school...but after my mom(i love her) and i had a talk about it, they might not completely base it on my SSAT's scores since i can be considered as an international student.</p>

<p>just one question, if i'm not satisfied with the first result of my SSAT's, can i retake them and submit the better result to the school i'm applying? (:</p>

<p>I'm going to apply to Deerfield, Choate, and some other schools (I just don't know what yet). I'm not sure about if you can take another SSAT, I think you can and they may just average out the scores. If English isn't your first language, you should take TOEFL. It's a test to test you on how well your English is. You seem very diverse so that will help you alot.</p>

<p>thank you..i was supposed to take my SSAT's yesterday, but luckily for me, it got gives me more time to study and memorize some really hard vocab words..</p>

<p>in your opinion, what's the best SSAT reviewer?my mom got me one, and i think it's the official reviewer since she got it from the web site but it's so repetitive..should i buy princeton or kaplan?</p>

<p>those schools are really good..i'm sure you will do well; i can sense that you are very smart by the way you talk.. :) what state are you from?</p>

<p>oh yeah, i really wanted to take TOEFL because i just thought that maybe, it's going to be easier than the english test..but since i've been living here in America for over a year now, my educ. advisor suggested that i should just stick with english, and don't stress that much.(hahaha.i'm very worrisome)</p>

<p>i got princeton, kaplan, and petersons. i started studying at the beginning of this year, so that's how i got them all done, but i felt that petersons and princeton were the best on vocab. petersons had a handy latin root list of common roots that showed up on the ssat. it really helped</p>

<p>Thx, I'm going to study the roots and the words. Does anyone know if vocabulary cartoons is a good book?</p>

<p>Asiankid how did your SSAT's go? Do you think you did well??? Best of luck.</p>

<p>the math part was EXTREMELY easy. i think they should make the math part harder instead of the vocab part. i did HORRIBLY on that and okay on the writing/reading. gladly, my interview went well (i think).how about you?</p>

<p>I’m taken the SSAT’s in '09 i think the math will be the easiest.</p>