<p>Do boarding school prefer the SSAT over the ISEE/ I am from the west where the ISEE is more used.</p>
<p>i dont think it really matters…
you could phone the schools and ask them which they prefer but in all east coast schools, although both is accepted, the schools only have pamphlets for the SSAT</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter.
In general, the ISEE is used by day schools and the SSAT by boarding schools. Many applicants apply to both day and boarding. As a result, most schools accept both and are indifferent to which test is used. However, you should check with all the schools on your list to be certain they accept both.</p>
<p>Time is getting short for this year, so you need to make sure you are registered for the test/tests you need to take. If the ISEE is the dominant high school admission test in your area, I think just about all boarding schools will accept it. Call them to make sure. If you can swing it, you could take the SSAT too and send in whichever results are better.</p>