<p>Today, I received my SSAT score... and it's</p>
<p>Upper Level Score Range : 500-800</p>
<p>Verbal Score 653
(Personal Score Range: 632 - 674, SSAT Percentile 43%)</p>
<p>Math Score 800
(Personal Score Range: 779 - 800, SSAT Percentile 99%)</p>
<p>Reading Score 659
(Personal Score Range: 638 - 680, SSAT Percentile 45%)</p>
<p>Total Score 2112
(Personal Score Range: NA, SSAT Percentile 69%)</p>
Last year, I got 89%, (verbal 63%, math 99%, reading 92%)</p>
<p>However, I moved to Korea a year ago,,, and my reading scores went down....A LOT</p>
<p>I'm only applying to Deerfield, and it's my second time applying (I got waitlisted last year, I applied for financial aid...)</p>
<p>I submitted my application, but haven't done my interview yet.</p>
<p>Do you think I'll still get accepted with this score? :(((( (Deerfield average is 87% :(.. )</p>
<p>We are in the exact same situation! I only applied to DA last year, and was also waitlisted, and am only applying there this year as well. What grade are you applying for? </p>
<p>As for your scores, don’t worry too much. It’s not the end of the world - obviously, you got a 99% in math! Your scores are not horrible, and I doubt a 69% will kill you. There’s an AVERAGE for a reason. Good luck!</p>
<p>You need bad scores to balance out the good ones in Deerfield. You can’t expect everyone who attends Deerfield to have gotten a 87% on the SSAT. Which means there will be the super smart people who have gotten the 99%, and those who have gotten a lower score than the average SSAT score. Not to say your score isn’t bad – it’s higher than average. But when you go on your interview, say you had an off day. You didn’t test well. My score from October was higher than the January SSAT, and that’s because it was my second time testing in the same location as the October one, and I was in a whole new place in the January SSAT (I had taken the Lower SSAT earlier that year). I felt more comfortable at my October one because I was familiar with my surroundings and I went to a school gymnasium for my Jan. SSAT! Compared to the university I was at in my October SSAT that was surely a change! Either way, there’s a reason. You’ve just gotta speak up and say it . . . Many blessings towards you and hope you fulfill your dream (:</p>
<p>I’m applying for 10th grade this year 
Thank you everyone
I feel much better!</p>