SSI Benifits and zero earned income

<p>My parents don't work. My mom is disabled and earns SSI benifits. I also did not work this past year.</p>

<p>I called the fafsa office and they told me SSI was taken off the fafsa application. </p>

<p>I was wondering if it seemed fishy if I put down the zero earned income for my parents. Will I get audited? Has anyone else been in this situation?</p>

<p>You will probably get verified (I am basing this on the fact that we have a very low EFC and have been selected for verification every FAFSA - 7 times). As long as you have documentation to support what you put on FAFSA, verification is no big deal.</p>

<p>My husband is on his SS pension although we do have some other income. The last 2 years we had to report the SS pension income. This year we do not.</p>

<p>I’ll vouch for what swimcatsmom said. I have my own business - expenses remained the same, income a third of what it was in '07. I was chosen for varification this year but not last year. The school said they would notify me in March about what they need but according the school website, I will have to restate my checking and savings account info on a form and provide my tax forms. I don’t know whether they ask for bank account statements or not.</p>

<p>When do they tell me if I will be chosen for verification or not?</p>

<p>When my report came in the day after I filed, it said I had been chosen for verification. My D’s school said they don’t even start pulling for verification until March 1 and they don’t necessarily choose the same files that the government chooses. You have to wait to hear from the schools before you can do anything. Just have everything ready that you can - mainly the tax filings.</p>

<p>My kids SARs (which were available 2-3 days after they submitted FAFSA) had an * next to the EFC which means you are selected for verification. Then it depends on the school when/if they will actually ask for the information and what they will ask for. For both schools we always have to complete a form and provide tax returns and W2s. </p>

<p>My understanding from a couple of the financial aid officers that frequent these boards is that you should wait for the school to tell you what they need. They are required to verify 30% of applicants. Some will just verify those selected by FAFSA. Some will use their own selection criteria. Some verify all applicants. They will tell you what they need. At my daughter’s school her student information page says she must provide verification documentation and there is a form available for download on the school website. My son’s school does not have as well organized a web site so we usually hear by snailmail.</p>