SSTP Iowa 2022 Results

Hi guys! I just wanted to hear about how applications to SSTP Iowa went for you.

Hi! I got in, but I am not sure if I am going to take the offer.

alternate for neuro/psych :expressionless:

Alternate for environmental science ;(

What did you put as your research area of interest?

Congrats Nishant. Which program did you get into and what would you take instead of SSTP? I am an alternate. Picked Env Science

I’m an alternate for env science too!

Where else are you applying to / have got into if this does not come through?

Not sure yet, but I applied to NCSSM’s Summer ventures and I’m waiting for results to come out. What about you?

I was accepted for nueroscience!

Me too!

Anyone accepted into online? Intl student here (only option is online) for comp engineering, could get in touch idk

Our daughter got in and she is very happy. She committed to attend in person. She will pull out of other apps in the morning. Research area: CS/Data

I am an alternate…religious studies

Thanks! I am honestly not quite sure what I picked because they all kind of overlap, but it was either biochemistry or biomedical engineering. I was matched into the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics. I am still waiting to hear decisions from Clark Scholars, HSHSP, and Princeton LLP.

Hi Johnathan, have you made the decision to attend SSTP? If yes, I would love to connect with you as I decided to go. Thanks!

hihi im also an international student that got accepted to sstp online! i would love to connect w you!

sure, discord: BYL#3155

Hi Aidan Lin, I would love to connect with you since you are going! Thanks!