ST 260 and AC 210 at the same time?

Have any of the parents here heard of students taking Stats 260 and account 210 at the same time? When talking with some of my upper division business major friends, they all advised me to take them at separate times.

(I’m very last minute transferring from the engineering college to business college. Not because of the mathematics requirements, but because of my own personal grievances with how the CS department tests on its subjects, so the math component shouldn’t be too hard on me.)

Lots of people take both at the same time with no trouble. If you are good at math, you shouldn’t have any issues. If you are transferring to MIS, you should take both asap because you need to have them done to be allowed to take upper division business classes and you will want to be able to take upper division classes immediately after MIS 295 to stay on track with your MIS 295 cohort.

AC 210 is one of the most difficult lower division business courses, as is ST 260. One could do both in the same semester, but it’d be better to take them during different semesters if possible.

I took AC 210, ST 260, and Calc 3 in one semester, and it is definitely doable if you are good with time management. Don’t fall behind on your AC 210 reading because it is much more conceptual than math-related, so you really really need to read. Don’t go into the class expecting it to be very “mathy.”