St. Andrews Admissions US Applicants - Fall 2022

Didn’t see a thread yet for St. Andrews Class of 2026, so starting one here!

Please post if you hear back with a decision.

I applied 9/28 and received a request for transcript upload on 10/7. Will post when I hear a decision!


You might want to post in the UK forum.

There are several older St Andrews threads there.

I applied to IR on September 26th via UCAS, downloaded my high school profile / in progress transcript in the portal on October 6th, and I am anxiously awaiting a response from StA. I received an offer from Glasgow and Oregon, both of which I am really happy about. Still waiting on Edinburgh, Durham too. I will post when I receive update on my application.

Applied with same outcome (transcript uploaded and scores). Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Admitted unconditional offer on October 21!

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@ColoradoCanadian just as an fyi- IR is historically one of the slower depts to reply so don’t get anxious if it takes a while.

Glasgow is a super college experience btw!

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Hi! Congrats! When did you upload your trancsript etc?

Hi! I received an offer today for Economics and Politics, and I haven’t seen any online threads or groups for the Fall 2022 applicants

My son got an unconditional offer for CS today. Applied on Oct 1.

I applied to IR on November 27th and I still haven’t heard anything… I expected it to take a long time but wow.

From the pov of StA’s your app has only been with them a few weeks! IR is one of the most popular courses & they are famously one of the slowest depts to come out with decisions, esp if you are not a slam-dunk or auto-reject candidate!

I haven’t heard back as well for Econ and IR and I applied on Nov 10. Does anyone know approximately when I can expect a response back?

@dishanambiar, nobody knows. It’s just waiting.

My child applied IR 12/14 and received an unconditional offer about a month later. I have read that applying to two programs can take twice the time. There as helpful information on the St. Andrews Class 2025 thread. Good luck to all!

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Not necessarily double, but yes, it typically does take longer, because both departments have to agree on the candidate. And, as above, the fastest responses are the slam-dunk yeses and the auto-reject noes.

Really, it’s just a lot of patience!

Believe it or not I got my unconditional acceptance at 3:00 a.m. last night! Best of luck to you, I guess the patience pays off!


Congratulations @31caracas13!!

(wait- were you were up checking email at 3am?! or was that just the time stamp on the mail?)

Haha that was just the timestamp, thankfully. I love to sleep a little too much for that.

hi what department is your offer from

My daughter received an unconditional offer today in English (yay). She applied in late October. Good luck everyone!

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