<p>Does anyone have any feedback on this school? I tried asking on the CC bulletin board specific to the school, but have not heard anything.</p>
<p>I've been to the town. Make that "town". So I do appreciate the remoteness of the location! But does anyone have any impressions or experience they'd be willing to share?</p>
<p>ChiSquare - I had posted a few times on SMCM forum - my D was trying to choose between Pitt and SMCM - totally different schools. She loved the location and all the outdoor activities at SMCM. She also liked the very friendly, easy going student body as well as the food in the dining hall (best dining hall in all of our visits). She was torn after her accepted student’s day visit at SMCM - she spent the day there and also some time the night before with another student there. We went to Pitt and she thought SMCM was a “riskier” choice - she’s undecided on majors and felt Pitt had more to offer - she is VERY happy at Pitt but I do think misses the gem of a school that SMCM is. If you can deal with the remoteness (which was an issue for my suburban D who likes city life as well) then I think you’ll be fine. There’s a lot of personal attention and it’s a very friendly environment. As for social life - it seemed that there were one or two bars off campus that people went to on Thursday nights. Friday/Saturday are house parties as well as bonfires on the beach. During nice weather it seems like everyone is outside all the time -but the winters can be damp, cold, dreary, icy in Southern MD - so the student we met with said they spend a lot of time in the winter watching movies. The college always seems to have something going every night on campus - so they do try to make up for the “lacking of a town”. Student we met with said you can catch a ride into town for shopping, meals out, etc. or borrow someone’s car. I do think a lot of students do end up having a car to just get around off campus - but most do not leave campus on the weekend. PM me if you have other questions.</p>
<p>ChiSquare - St. Mary’s seems great. Took DD to an open house last year and she is going back next month to spend the night and sit in on a couple of classes to better get the “feel” of the school. She didn’t mind the location at all (not really a “mall” kind of gal). Beautiful campus - Colonial-style buildings. Sure, not as many majors as a larger school, which might be an issue. It’s an “honors” college - so need good scores to get in.</p>
<p>ChiSquare, we visited w S1 last spring. Granted, he’s kind of hard to please, but he was underwhelmed. Some of that had to do w the remoteness, some with the fact that the admissions dean just kind of rubbed him the wrong way (in fact, a lot of kids weren’t responding well to him that day - there seemed to be a general sense that he was trying way too hard to be one of them). And some of it had to do with a tour guide who either needed a lot more coffee, or really wasn’t a very articulate person.</p>
<p>It was tight race for my daughter between Hood and St Mary’s in Maryland. We visited both umpteen times… She chose Hood and it was an excellent fit for her, BUT STM would have worked also. It was a wonderful school with a great campus, I know several attending there and they are thrilled.</p>
<p>jsmom, I had read your comments on the SMCM forum. In fact, it was your comment about bonfires on the beach that got D to reading about SMCM in the first place. (Of course, the first interest would have to be based on the word “beach” rather than anything academic. One has one’s priorities.)</p>
<p>While we haven’t visited SMCM, I spent my high school years in Maryland & I know what the area is like. I hope I’ve conveyed it realistically to D! Of the schools we’ve visited, she has been attracted to small, compact campuses that are either in rural areas or small towns. So I think she may not mind the remoteness of the location, as long as there are some options for getting away a little on the weekends. To be honest, I like the idea of isolating my little shopaholic from urban shopping centers!</p>
<p>eddieodessa, I’ll be interested in comparing notes with you as time goes on. Will your D be applying this year? My D has mentioned that there are very “weird” essay topics as part of the application process. i don’t think they use the common app.</p>
<p>ChiSquare - Yes, DD will be applying to St. Mary’s if her overnight visit goes well. I would suggest overnight visits to everyone looking into schools. At one college, DD was uncomfortable after the visit and will not be applying there. At another college, she said she felt right at home, fit in, and told us that these were “her kind of people”. She has already applied there, just this week, rolling admission. (Messiah in PA)</p>
<p>D and I attended SMCM open house a few weeks ago. My D has generally been attracted to urban campuses or campuses near towns, but SMCM still appealed to her. We had a good experience that day, though I have to agree with comment about the admissions dean. Rubbed D the wrong way.</p>
<p>We were impressed with the students we met…lots of very involved kids, many double majors. The study abroad program also seemed to be a good value for the cost of in-state tuition. Admissions seems quite competetive. I am in agreement that the essay topics are unusual.</p>
<p>They are pushing the sailboats and kayaking a little much though!</p>
<p>S2 and I visited this summer. If any of you have students taking IB classes, SMCM is aggressively recruiting IB students (full diploma or certificate) and offering special merit scholarship opportunities.</p>
<p>S2 liked it – he is thinking small liberal arts or small/midsize university. Does not have his major, but believes he can put something together. Was not sure what unified the student body – and realized that was an important criterion to him. (Not something I would have expected from him, but he’s the one who has to live there for four years!)</p>
<p>The tour guide told us that he was really excited that there’s a Chipotle that just opened in the town up the road. This kind of flew over S’s head, but it struck me that “if that’s exciting news, what DO these kids do on weekends?”</p>
<p>S2 said he would definitely want to visit during the school year and do an overnight to get a better sense of the place.</p>
<p>You know, the location of SMCM has alway been the category where it “lost points” with me. Then I realized that Son is looking at other schools just as boondocky-ish and we hold nothing against them. So it’s on a level playing field now. </p>
<p>Good thing, too. It’s the best in-state option he has. It lacks a criminal justice or criminology minor like Salisbury. But that’s OK. Wouldn’t expect one at an LAC. (Psych major is available at both.)</p>
<p>The D of one of our neighbors is a junior at Salisbury now and loves it. She was initially offered a spring admit at Clemson w/the proviso that she attend college elsewhere the first semester, so she went to Salisbury thinking she’d head south in the spring, and never left. Has really blossomed, is doing very well, and her brother will probably follow her there next fall.</p>
<p>There is more “town” to Salisbury, to be sure.</p>
<p>He hasn’t looked at Towson. (still only a junior) And that’s fine with us. </p>
<p>H and I are Towson alums and we really really hope neither of the kids end up there. We just don’t think there’s anything “special” about it. It’s a commuter/suitcase school, ugly mismatched architecture, and fair-middlin’ academics. Yawn. We felt like numbers there. Don’t want that for our kids.</p>