St Mary's

<p>Any info will be greatly appreciated! Can anyone comment on the academics - particularly science and premed? Also how about social life...realize the school is isolated. Any other random topics welcome. Thanks.</p>

<p>I went to a summer program at St. Mary's. The campus is very spread out, and there is not much of a town. The dorms that I stayed in were nice, but it took about ten minutes to walk from my room to the dining hall.</p>

<p>Curmudgeon has a good point (parents' forum). There are multiple St. Mary's. I had assumed that you meant St. Mary's College of Maryland.</p>

<p>Maryland is correct.</p>

<p>I attended a summer program at St. Mary's, too. It was a couple of years ago, though, so some of the details are kind of blurry.<br>
The campus is pretty spread out, and the student center is pretty much in the middle of campus. There is one massive 'great hall' kind of cafeteria, and a couple of smaller restaurants. The food isn't bad, just bland/boring (and if you're used to any kind of ethnic food, forget about it.) The dorms are okay, standard for college dorms, I guess.
Lots of red brick.<br>
Again, coming back to the campus, it is <strong>stunning</strong>. The grounds are very well kept, lots of trees and grassy quads. There is a graveyard (!!) quite close by, near the water. I imagine there would be great opportunities for sailing.<br>
No idea about the social life...but it's about 10 minutes to the nearest store, and that's Wal-Mart. It's about 2 hours from both Baltimore and DC, so it's possible to go up for the weekend.</p>

<p>Thanks for the comments.</p>