Stafford unsub loan eligibility

<p>My D got accepted into 7 schools. All have given her a combo of stafford loans except for one school. That school only gave her the subsidized loan. It is my understanding that all students without regard to financial aid need can get the unsubsidized loan. Therefore, she should have been awarded the extra loan; correct? </p>

<p>I plan on calling the school to inquire about this, but I wonder if they might say that she would have to forfeit $2000 from the grant they awarded her? </p>

<p>Would like to get CC's community thoughts on this before I call.</p>


<p>Do the schools have different COAs? You can’t get more in a FA package than the COA of the school. </p>

<p>If the total aid is not over the COA of the school, did the school in question meet your daughter’s need? Are you wanting to use the unsub Stafford to pay part of the EFC? Some schools do not offer unsub loans to pay the EFC. They may be willing to do so if asked.</p>

<p>Without counting books and personal expenses (I don’t include them when comparing COA because I feel that are about the same at all schools; but I do account for needing to pay for them), the schools COAs range from $44,700 to $54,370 (insane, I know!) Yes, I would say that the school in question (Smith) is meeting need and I would like to use that extra $2000 towards our EFC. Some of the other schools actually gave D more than need, leaving us with a lower EFC. A very similar cost/package was from Brandeis except that Brandeis included both sub and unsub Staffords; </p>

<p>COA Brandeis- $52,083; Smith- $53,460
scholarship Brandeis- $24,430; grant Smith-$24,269;
work/study Brandeis- $2500; Smith $2200
loans Brandeis-$5500 combo; Smith $3500 only sub</p>

<p>If I can get Smith to give her the unsub stafford, it would make Smith’s cost a little more competitive with the other schools.</p>

<p>I wonder if I call Smith and discuss this comparison, if it will help?</p>

<p>I don’t see a problem with getting the non subsidized Stafford loan to go towards your EFC. Let us know if there is.</p>

<p>We just got the fin aid numbers from Tufts. Very similar to Smith–no unsub loan but they did give her a $1500 perkins loan and the $3500 subsidized loan. Will call both schools and see what happens and let you know the outcome.</p>

<p>Just called Tufts and, yes, if we want the extra loan, it is available. They said they always try to package the aid with the best loans possible, hence not including the unsub. I’m going to assume, for now, that that is the same with Smith.</p>