Stamps 2021 Decision?

It has been 4 weeks since the first Scholarship Weekend (2/24+). They said decisions would be made in 2 to 4 weeks. Our daughter received a Singer after one week. Has anyone heard anything about the Stamps Scholarships?

Congrats @SoCal11 on your daughter’s scholarship! Sorry, to hijack your thread, but has your daughter received any form of communication beyond the initial e-mail informing her of the Singer scholarship? My daughter also won a Singer scholarship, but she’s only received the initial e-mail - nothing in her caneid or by snail mail.

I am pretty sure she did not receive anything in the mail about the Singer - just email. She is out doing some Prom shopping. If she did get something, I will update reply. I did contact Miami about her financial aid not reflecting the Singer (it had the old Presidential in it). I noticed today that the financial aid in CaneLink has been changed to reflect the Singer ($47,040 a year).

Thanks, @SoCall11! I just checked daughter’s financial aid and it was also updated to Singer Scholarship. Go 'Canes!

For safety I just called Shane at the “U.” As I suspected, students in the running for the Stamps Scholarship have ALREADY been notified! Our daughter getting a Stamps would have been more than we could have ever hoped for. We are so happy with the Singer, and are looking forward to her having a wonderful college experience at Miami.