Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships

My D22 was invited to interview for the Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships at Pitt. Was looking for more information about this process. Was wondering if there is anyone whose student interviewed for these? Has anyone’s student been awarded 1 of these? Any information appreciated! Thanks

Did anyone else out there have the opportunity to have the first zoom interview for these 2 scholarships? My D22 had her interview and thought it went very well. Fingers crossed for next round

wow! that was early! I’m curious when did your D apply, get accepted and when did they contact her for the stamps? thanks :slight_smile: and good luck!

Hi @laura18 , so nice that someone responded to this thread! I thought I was out in no man’s land on this one. Thanks for the well wishes.
She applied to Pitt in early September/late August. I am guessing her SRAR was done shortly after that. Her acceptance letter from Pitt is dated September 13. I know that she had the first zoom interview in early Nov., so I would estimate that they contacted her in mid October about it.

Are you waiting? When did you or your child apply to Pitt?

Yes! we are still waiting to just get accepted, she has great stats so we were also hoping for a scholarship invite (I don’t think can be Stamps since we are OOS). she applied oct 20th, but I don’t think they took the SAT from common app so those took a while to get there. I wonder if since their admissions are revolving, their scholarship interviews are too? do you mind sharing your Ds stats?

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Congrats! Hope your daughter gets good news! They are working quickly! My kid applied for Stamps at a different school, but I don’t believe they identify semifinalists for interviews until December.

@Laura18 , you are correct. The Pitt Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships are for in-state PA kids only. There are rolling admissions at Pitt. Merit for high achieving kids, whether in-state or oos starts in mid-October, I believe. Maybe early October. Lots of kids/parents kids on the Pitt thread have received nice oos merit offers (10,000 per year, 15,000 per year, and I just saw a 20,000 recently. I believe it was $20,000 per year). In State can get this type of merit too, but my D22 has not received anything yet. Thinking maybe because she is in the running for the Stamps/Nordenberg? I could be wrong here, though. But In State kids at Pitt generally do not get the higher awards that the OOS kids get, and that makes sense because of the tuition difference that they start out at.

She has a 32 super score and she submitted it. She has a 3.9 uw and 4.7 w. I am not sure if this is enough to get her into the Honors College or in state merit money. We are just waiting and letting it all play out. If she is ruled out of Stamps/Nordenberg, I do hope she hears relatively quickly about some smaller merit award. But Stamps/Nordenberg is not only about gpa and test scores, so that is awesome.

@cma22 Thank you. I believe that schools that offer the Stamps Scholarship have the ability to tailor it to how they want to disperse it, establish time tables, etc. At least they have this freedom to a certain extent. Good luck to your child as well!

@Winky1 that’s great that she heard back so soon on the Stamps! yes we are hoping for an invite for the Chancellor’s Scholarship. She has a 4.0 unweighted and a 1520 (800 math) and pretty good other stuff as well, so we were really hopeful, till we never even got accepted yet! lol! as more time passes the lower our hopes get!

From what I understand, Pitt has on their website somewhere that they have a record number of applicants this year, and it could take 6-8 weeks to hear back about an admissions decision.

Good luck with Chancellor’s! That is only offered to honors program students. So that would be the first step, then I think only 50 get the interview. But she has the stats and resume, so go for it!

thank you :slight_smile: yes, she applied for Honors with that in mind. Have NO idea what they are looking for to get in. Good luck to your daughter as well!! will she have an on-campus interview as well? or do you not know? && fingers crossed!

Won’t know until mid January of she makes it to the next round!

Has anyone who had the first interview for the Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships been notified that they are not moving on in the process? D22 has not heard anything.

I’m trying to find out if Pitt eliminates those who have been interviewed as the process goes along or if they will only notify the 30 who will be invited to the second round in mid Jan. ?

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Congrats to your daughter— hope you hear good news soon. My daughter has a Stamps interview at another university later this month. Can you share any information about your daughter’s interview and how she prepared?

Hi, good luck to your daughter. What school?

I’m not comfortable sharing questions, at least not yet. She prepared by reviewing every piece of information they/the school has on her. She also did multiple mock interviews with people in our family.

Good luck!

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University of Oregon

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We’ll see if she continues on…

Has anyone heard about the Pitt Stamps and Nordenberg process? Has anyone been eliminated or told they are advancing to 2nd round? D22 has not heard anything. Was told she’d hear something in mid to late January

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FYI— S22 received an email this afternoon that he is advancing to the next round of on-campus interviews in Feb.

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