<p>That’s actually exactly what I was planning to do until junior year! I’ve always wanted to work for a video game company until just recently; my career choices hae basically went Game Designer, Game Programmer, Game Concept Artist… …then Professor of Public Health and Medicine.
Well, there were the one-off kiddy archeologist dreams. Gotta love them dinosaurs.</p>
<p>I would totally join the Stanford Gaming Society with you, by the way, hahaha.</p>
<p>At this rate I will be well over 300 come dec. 15th but I want to be ready for a dec. 11th curve ball. I have taken 7 years of Latin but I can’t speak it fluently. But I can and have read French/ Spanish/ Italian newspapers and been able to figure out what each article was saying.</p>
<p>I’m actually really great when it comes to understanding Spanish. I can watch Spanish TV, listen and understand audio or conversations, read text, the works.
But, my speaking skills are pathetic, hahaha.</p>
<p>kind of the opposite for me, I’ve wanted to be everything but a video game designer/programmer until recently</p>
<p>if i had to do somthing else i would probably either be an engineer/concept car designer for a Le mans race team or some supercar company (lambo/ferarri/koingsegg ect…)</p>
<p>or work at NASA designing a way to drain/pull the sulfur out of Venus’s atmosphere to make it habitable…</p>
<p>no idea why but i though that would be pretty cool</p>
<p>what do you want to do now Prussia?</p>
<p>haha the only thing ive really understood is that one spanish rap on Community’s credits</p>
<p>@ Nitro- working for any type of car company would be one of the coolest jobs ever, just as long as you aren’t physically building the car. also, if we go back to Idaho, besides Boise State and potatoes, I’ve always thought that Napoleon Dynamite was your biggest claim to fame. And, for better or worse, that movie has shaped my opinion of all of Idaho.</p>