Stanford 2027 Waitlist Thread

Got waitlisted this year and saw nobody made this yet. Who else?



Same in Waitlist

Same. When does the first wave WL decision comes out?

Do you know how many are waitlisted this year?

It should be around 600, but i’m not 100% certain

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Have you guys accepted your waitlist and are you working on your LOCI?

i’ve written the 500 character update and that’s it, as they ask not to send any additional emails/materials.

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usually after the transfer decisions come out, something like may 18th.

Did any one of you guys receive an email from your admissions officer regarding getting off the waitlist? I just received one a couple of hours ago. Honestly so shocked, I cannot believe it.

Is it common for waitlist acceptances to come this early following application release?


Yes my son also received an email a few hours ago from his admissions officer! We are very much thankful for this opportunity. They are slowly taking people off the waitlist. Congratulations to you and everyone else who got accepted to Stanford class of 2027!


Congratulations to your son as well! Looking forward to hopefully meeting him in palo alto soon :slight_smile: What is he planning on majoring in?

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Yes he is likely committing to Stanford but still weighing his options between Princeton, Brown, and UC Berkeley. He applied for Computer Science major. And yes hopefully you two kiddos can exchange contacts and weigh your college options together!

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Wow that was quick! Did you send in a letter as well or just fill the form for waitlist? What major/ gender if you don’t mind me asking?


May I ask what you wrote about? I don’t have any awards or accomplishments to report, but it just feels off to leave it blank. Should I still write something even if it’s optional?

im having the same problem! I have nothing really to update them on.

It’s probably worth reaffirming your interest either way, even if you don’t have significant updates! I can’t imagine that hurting your chances if it is sincere.

i would potentially write something more personal and connect it to stanford’s values

Waitlists are really coming out already? I have been spending so much time trying to work on my opt-in form. Does anyone know if people are taken off by chronological order of time submitted?

In your 500 character update did you put your current spring semester grades? It says that you can update grades, but I’m not sure if I should put the grades I have currently in my classes.