Stanford 2027 Waitlist Thread

I didn’t put my grades because they can always request them from your counselor if they’re interested.

I’m wondering the same thing.

my friend was taken off today! she submitted the update like three days ago! i submitted mine ages ago and nothing. so probably not chronological order.

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Congrats!! Did she write a letter of continued interest or just use the 500 character space provided?

she used the 500 character space


Mind sharing what major and which city she is from?

bio major, international (europe)


Wow 3 days is just amazing. I didnt even know they take in like this! I was under the impresiion that you wait till May 1st and thought i would send my loci around april 25th.
Is this something happening only this year? DO they take in people before May 1st deadline?

I found online that they also took people before May 1st during the COVID year. It might just be up to your specific admission officer and how much they loved your application.


I know someone accepted covid year on June 1st. I think that is when most of the waitlist decisions come out.


to be quite honest i don’t think covid year is representative in terms of waitlist trends at all. that year stanford took more than 200 people of the waitlist, last year it was 8.

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True. I don’t think they’re taking many off the waitlist this year since everyone who gets in usually commits.

i doubt that we’ll see much (if any!) waitlist movement in may tbh. looks like they’ve accepted a bunch of people already

but last year they took 13,4% or so didn’t them? Something in the 10% territory seems more usual for Stanford

how many is “a bunch”? the 3 something people mentioned in this thread? never lose hope my friend


Not necessarily, one girl in my son’s school just chose Harvard and a boy MIT. They did it in school today infront of everyone. Lot of kids are doing this before May 1st deadline.Hoping as the waitlist opens rest of the kid get great news.
Wishing all the very best

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According to Stanford Daily, Stanford’s recent yield rate is just under 84%.
Just FYI, and good luck to everyone.


Anyone know when they might start calling?

I was just told by my counselor that they requested my second semester transcript. Good news?

