Stanford 2027 Waitlist Thread

did they forget :skull:

My guess is they don’t have any spots left but don’t want to close the waitlist just in case. It doesn’t really make sense since every other elite school I know of has already closed their waitlists so there shouldn’t be anything Stanford is waiting on. I’d be very surprised if they don’t release the rejections and extended waitlist offers this week.

accepted just now!

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Wow! Congrats!! How did you hear? Are you domestic?

my theory is all accepted waitlist got an email yesterday, and all those who didn’t make it off the waitlist got theirs today (around 2 hrs ago), sadly i jsut received my final reject. congratulations to wherever we are all going!

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No extended waitlist this year?

Final rejection came on June 23!! Rejected

Hey is anyone here going to be trying to transfer to Stanford later on?

I am thinking about it. But I feel like the chance of admission is lower. Plus you have to redo the process again. But if I get accepted later on then I would do so. So I might give transferring a go.

I might try and transfer in from Columbia. I started and developed a lot of significant ECs over the last 6-10 months which weren’t on my initial application, so fingers crossed.