Hi, I need some advice about my test scores. I am planning on applying early to Stanford this November and I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if I should retake my SAT IIs. Is it worth it? Am I a strong applicant as I am now?
-ACT Composite: 35
-6 AP’s taken so far
AP Calc BC, Enviro, Statistics, Microeconomics, Physics I: 5
AP Lang: 4
-GPA (Weighted/Unweighted): 5.07/4.0
-SAT Math II: 790
-SAT Physics: 760
Thank you in advance for anything you can offer!
P.S. I know acceptance isn’t all about scores! 
Do not retake! You are a competitive applicant right now. Even for top schools, just 750+ is great. If you are rejected, it won’t be because of those scores.
Those scores are incredible. Just leave them alone, seriously.
Thank you for the advice @Lovemydolphins and @yonceonhismouth. However, my main concern is the percentile ranking for those SAT II scores.
Colleges don’t look at the percentiles. They don’t have enough time to cross-reference and examine the percentiles from each test date.
As long as you get somewhere in the 740+ range, those scores will be good enough for schools like Stanford (unless it’s a 740 in math I or II). I talked to a Stsndord admissions rep on Tuesday, and she said that they barely consider SAT II scores during admission. The only thing that would draw attention is if a student got an A in a class and a 500 on the test. Your scores are very good, so I would not worry about them.
Also, since most applicants will have near the same numbers as you, it’s all about your ECs, letters of rec, and essays. Good luck!
they’re fine already, at least you got over 700
Thank you for your input. I’d love to hear more!
Good luck!! I begin my classes next month. You have better stats than me(34 ACT) and your scores are great. Focus on your essays and present your case to make yourself stand out. Your academics are great but what about your EC’s?