Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision

idk…i didnt apply for aid just getting in is all i need

Oh, I did apply

The plural of anecdote is not data, though. :grin:


I saw last yr a person got in with full aid from India…so fingers crossed

Getting into stanford is a dream for almost everyone

Yea lol, I saw him too

grt…I just have low hopes after getting rejected from IVY’s

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even when I didnt apply for aid to ivys

For intl, it’s easier to get in without aid coz my friend got in without any spikes in his application

which ivy did he get into…did he get in rd?


I have frnds who got in rea and ed but not rd

still its 7 out of like 1000’s of applications

Damn, I’m scared now lol

Yeah fingers crossed

I didnt apply for aid to ivy’s still got rejected from them

I got deferred and then rejected, pained even more

I didnt apply ed or rea to any school :sweat_smile:


Hey guys I thought I’d copy my comment from earlier and paste it again here if you’re interested in portal astrology from the REA round:

Here’s a comment from the REA thread that sums it up I think (written by Mumfromca in Dec 2020)
“My son got in. Class of 2025. For what is worth, the prediction about the portal changes were true for us. His ‘update’ links disappeared around 2pm but his permanent and mailing addresses did not, and there is also a link to ‘edit’ them. I think they only keep the addresses of the kids that they will need to communicate with in the future, i.e. the kids that got in or got deferred…”

So basically for REA it was once update links disappear (which might likely occur a few hours before decisions according to this comment):
Address still there = indicator of acceptance or deferral in this case
Address not there = indicator of rejection

Edit: The quote above states the time the portal updated around 2 pm PST cause the username says mum from CA. So thats just 2 hours before decisions would come out for us.

I got waitlisted by 1 ivy out of the two I applied to so hoping for the best today. Good luck to all of you!


I guess the portals have not been updated yet!

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