Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Mine wasn’t from nyc at all. He went to HS in California and then Stanford.

Does anyone know whether Stanford sends all likely letters in one batch or not?

Wow. The waiting game is not fun. I had a question about ethnicity: so I know Stanford gives special consideration to Native Americans, and I indicated that I was on my common app. Here’s the catch… I’m Native South American (Quechua from Bolivia). I made sure to share all information about it on Stanford’s heritage form. When I googled it, it says that Native South American counts as Native American. I guess I’m worried Stanford will think I’m being ingenuine. My ACT isn’t great (33) and my GPA is bad (3.86) due to undiagnosed ADHD for most of high school (after medicine my transcript shows straight As), so there is nothing else that is unique about me besides some internships I had. Is it even worth opening the portal on April 9th?

Stanford’s definition means indigenous to the US.

The URM category includes all individuals (for students only, this is limited to US Citizens and permanent residents) who have self-identified as American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. The URM category will include “Two or more, not Hispanic/Latino” individuals if at least one of their affiliations is one of these groups.

Ah. Was not aware of that. I am a US citizen. Will I get counted off for this mistake? I am also hispanic (some family from BOlivia is Quechua some is not) which I also indicated.

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Whatever is not applicable will just be ignored. No worries.

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Status updates are in portal as of tonight (March 2nd) if you were selected for an early notice of admission.


Thanks. Looks like my son wasn’t one of them.

Hooves crossed! :heart:

Is this there for internationals as well or only Americans?

I’m assuming it’s for all. It’s rare, so it doesn’t mean you won’t be successful when decisions come out later.

I assume these are only for Likely Letter candidates? Still neat to see the process working nonetheless.

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It’s actually an early letter of acceptance. I’m not sure how many went out and the letter didn’t say. It came in the portal.

Was there an email notification as well, or just in portal?

There was an email notification as well.

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if you applied, then it’s worth opening the portal. no matter what.

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On decision day the myth is if the address hasn’t disappeared you are accepted? Someone correct me if I am wrong lol

guys please stop looking for tricks and whatnot, it can really stress people out and the AO aren’t dumb, they wouldn’t do that…

You are wrong. It is mindboggling that applicants to HYPSM believe these urban legends. :roll_eyes:

Hey, an international student from India here. My interviewer told me that I

should get in and was really impressed with my ECs. Do they have much of a say in the process? Especially cuz he said that he will provide context for my circumstances in 11th grade

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