STANFORD..dun dun dun..CAN I GET IN?

<p>Yeah...I am quite amazing.</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty average chance (around 10-15%) I'm sorry, but if I were an college admin</p>

<p>what d'ya think about chances for UCB and Columbia?</p>

<p>your chances are excellent @ stanford scea.</p>

<p>so I live in Palo Alto and Stanford is literally across the street from my high school, and we send between 10-20 kids to Stanford each year, so I really don't think you have to worry one bit about being too close, if anything it is an advantage</p>

<p>sweetraspberry99, you go to paly or gunn I take it? Well, in any case, I disagree with what you've said. I went to school 15 minutes from stanford and we get 1 person in per year max. And many qualified students apply EARLY each year and are rejected. Students that got into wharton, and other ivys. I would guess the acceptance rate at my high school is around 1/150. Well Im not in high school anymore but thats what it was. But if you are from outside the bay area I dont think this is a factor. Its just if you are from the same basic neighborhood as Stanford, they have too many people getting in because of connections (at the 2 high schools ive mentioned and maybe menlo) to accept many from other local schools.</p>

<p>You are probably right. More than half those kids just get in because their parents work there (I am just bitter because mine don't)</p>

<p>bump, well kind of, but not really, but why am I even here?</p>