<p>Hi, I am looking to enroll in Stanford EPGY's Real Analysis online course starting this July. I recently discovered the site, and I have a few questions.</p>
<p>Can these courses grant any sort of credit?
I filled out the application, but have not sent in my SAT score report yet. Is is still possible to enroll in the real analysis course, given that it starts July 1st?
Has anyone had any experience with the real analysis course (in EPGY, or anywhere), and if so, can you please comment on it?</p>
<p>bump…neither technical support nor EPGY admin has sent a response back and it has been at least 2 days</p>
<p>In our experience, EPGY is either very disorganized or very independent as they are mostly unresponsive.</p>
<p>I went to Stanford for an EPGY course this year, and it was alright. I sent my application quite late, but was fortunate to get in- even though my recommendation letter written by my english teacher made it only a few days before the deadline. I’m not sure why the EPGY admin wasn’t able to respond quickly. They usually do.</p>