Stanford, Harvard, Duke, UPenn, etc. chances!

<p>White Male, Southern California
Pretty competitive high school
Rank is 2/643 but will be 1 after first semester
Taken hardest course load possible with 11 AP classes and getting straight A's (except one B for a semester)
SAT: 770 M, 710 C.R., 770 W (2250 total)
ACT: 34 composite
SAT II's: 790 Spanish, 750 Chemistry, 750 Math II
GPA: 3.99 UW, 4.5 W</p>


<p>I'm a competitive tennis player in southern California as part of the United States Tennis Association. I'm ranked in the top 50 in soCal and travel to national tournaments on weekends. I'm captain of the varsity team, named MVP of the league last year, played since I was eight. Won numerous tournaments.</p>

<p>Three year editor for school newspaper (copy, center, and managing editor)</p>

<p>President of Red Cross Club</p>

<p>Vice President of Project Concern (raise school supplies for poor families)</p>

<p>Vice-Chair of the City Council Youth Commission. We plan rock concerts, dances for the disabled, awards ceremonies, and bridge the gap between the youth and the adults in the community. I was Special Projects director last year.</p>

<p>Academic Decathlon Captain (2 years)</p>

<p>Chances would be great, thanks!</p>

<p>also chances for amherst, williams, cornell, dartmouth, yale, berkeley, ucla as well please</p>

<p>Great GPA/rank, good test scores, wow ECs, I wish I had your stats. I’m not really familiar with liberal arts colleges so…</p>

<p>Stanford- Reach for pretty much everyone and it’s a crapshoot
Harvard- Reach/crapshoot
Duke- High match/should be in
UPenn- Match/low reach maybe
Cornell- Match
Dartmouth- Low reach
Yale- See Stanford
UCB- Probably in
UCLA- Probably in</p>

<p>You have good chances everywhere. Get good recs and write good essays.</p>

<p>wow we got like nearly identical stats and nearly the same list of colleges:</p>

<p>ACT: 35
SAT: 2230
SAT II: math 2-800, physics-780, Bio E- 720</p>

<p>i didnt apply to cornell or williams though. I did umich instead</p>

<p>thanks …anyone else?</p>

<p>i think your chances are solid, knock the essay out of the park and you’re in. </p>

<p>chance back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>bummmppp plz anymore suggestions?</p>

<p>your in the running for all of them… your ECs should give you the edge over everyone else. good luck</p>
