Stanford/Ivy School Chances with this Running Start Transcript

<p>Running Start is a program that allows you to go college while still working to graduate high school in Washington. Usually, the program is used by students to cut 1-2 years off the time it takes them to earn a degree once they go to another college. However, in my case I'm using the program to increase my chances of getting in to another college. My first choices are Stanford or an Ivy League School. I am aware of how competitive the admissions are. The only reason I would get it in would be for math and science. There is very little information about how top tier colleges look at students that have done well in Running Start classes that are higher than AP level. I don't care if I don't get credit for any of my classes.</p>

<p>Let me know what you think my chances are!</p>


<p>Freshman & Sophomore: High School (2 years ahead in math, took chemistry and biology sophomore year) 3.88 GPA</p>

High School: AP Chemistry (A, 5 on AP Test), French III (A)
Bellevue College:
1st Quarter: Math 151: Calculus I (A), English 101: Composition (A)
2nd Quarter: Math 152: Calculus II (A), English 111: Introduction to Literature (A-)
3rd Quarter: Math 153: Calculus III (A), History 148: U.S. History III (A)</p>

High School: AP Biology (A, 5 on AP Test), Physics (A) (No AP Physics is offered)
Bellevue College:
1st Quarter: Math 254: Calculus IV (A), Chem 261: Organic Chemistry I (A)
2nd Quarter: Math 152: English 201: The Research Paper (A), English 235: Technical Writing (A)
3rd Quarter: Math 153: Calculus V (A), Political Science 202: (A)</p>

<p><strong><em>100s = College Freshman Class, 200s = College Sophomore Class</em></strong></p>

<li>online health and 1.0 High School PE credits from 150 hours of personal training at the gym</li>

<p>College Credits: 71</p>

<p>Weighted GPA when I apply: 4.3-4.4
Unweighted: 3.95</p>

<p>SAT I: 2000-2100
SAT II: 700+ on Chemistry and Math II</p>

<p>School Clubs and Sports: None! This is my issue, however my schedule makes it literally impossible to participate in most High School Activities. </p>

<p>Community Service: About 100 hours in various jobs</p>

<p>Interests: Skiing (Big Interest), Weightlifting (Competitive), Filmmaking/Editing (Will have videos), Computer Building, Dirt Biking, and some others</p>

<p>Essays: I am an excellent writer and will have a very good essay</p>

<p>Other: My entire family is French and I have been to Paris 5-8 times</p>

<p>Please note that I have not finished everything on this transcript but I am certain that I will accomplish everything I stated plus more.</p>

<p>Don't reply about how my credits wont be accepted, that's not my question.
Thank You!</p>

Hey, douglasfortini, did you ever get into Stanford? If so/not what did you do to get into the college that you got into?

Why did you bump this? OP hasn’t visited CC since April 2013.