Stanford or Hecht residence hall?

<p>I will be attending UM this fall and I am trying to decide which order to preference the Freshman residence halls on my housing application. I've heard that Hecht is more of a party dorm while students in Standford are more studious. Is this true? And if so, to what degree?
I consider myself pretty studious, but I also like to party sometimes. I don't want to be a dorm where everyone studies all the time, but I also don't want to be in one where everyone parties all the time. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>You know what?</p>

<p>Just yell YOFO and go with HEcht.</p>

<p>You’re Only a Freshman Once</p>

<p>Hecht residents study just as hard, they just know how to have more fun. It’s a stereotype, but it tends to be true. I’m a current Hecht resident and love it, and wouldn’t want to live in Stanford. The music students are generally housed in Stanford so you get that crowd too, which affects the vibe.</p>

<p>Can’t go wrong with Hecht. I book about 15+ hours in the library per week and still go out on the weekends. You can keep a balance.</p>

<p>SeekingUni, I don’t like to argue, but I don’t think it is fair to say that Hecht residents know how to have more fun. I think Stanford kids know how to have fun, perhaps they just have different kinds of fun. I also think you can’t generalize about how much fun 800 plus kids have that you don’t live with. And, quite frankly, if every freshman moves out and new freshman move in every year, the culture changes annually and it is these stereotypes that are the only thing that doesn’t change. Stanford kids go out on weekends, just as you do. Stanford kids study in the library, as you do. Not all music students live in Stanford, that is a fallacy. You are giving the wrong impression. It is great to love your dorm and I have no doubt that you do, but Stanford kids may be out partying and don’t have time to be on this board to chime in how much they love theirs. You are about to embark on an amazing weekend called Sportsfest and Stanford has dominated the “fun” these last few years! </p>

<p>So, to the future freshman next year…it doesn’t really matter which dorm you choose! Use your energy to find a compatible roommate and you will love your dorm experience. Both are great!</p>

<p>You must’ve overlooked the “It’s a stereotype, but it tends to be true.” part of my post. But it’s a fact. In the context of this post, fun = going out and partying as that’s what the OP implied to be their idea of a good time. Yeah Stanford kids have fun too, but doing other things, which is totally normal and fine. I wasn’t criticizing Stanford. </p>

<p>It’s kind-of hard for a parent to speak on the matter based on theory and how it “should” turn out every year, whereas we (students/residents) live it daily.</p>

<p>But regardless, yes both Hecht and Stanford are equally well-run residential colleges full of fun and amazing experiences. The freshman residential experience overall is truly great, regardless of which residential college you live in.</p>

<p>The stereotype comment was not overlooked. In your opinion it is true. But, if you ask kids that live in Stanford (of which I know many, thus can comment here) they have as much fun as the kids in Hecht! And they even go out and party! That was my point. They party and do other things too. And I’m sure kids in Hecht party and do other things too. </p>

<p>So, we really do agree that both dorms are great choices for future students.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! I’ll probably go with Hecht just because of what I’ve heard about the lobby and elevators in Stanford, but I’m sure I’d be happy in either.</p>





<p>hmmm…doesn’t exactly sound like all they do is study 24/7 in Stanford. Maybe the difference is at Stanford it’s only only wild and crazy on the weekends? (weekends = Thurs night through Sun at the []_[]) And Mon - Wed they actually get some studying done : )?</p>

<p>Another parent chiming in here, although D has told me quite a bit about the dorms. D lived in Hecht and loved it. She studied a lot, but she is also very social and likes to have fun. She had lots of friends in Stanford, and they all loved their dorm too. I do think the reputations perpetuate themselves each year, as the “partiers” tend to choose Hecht. Are there partiers in Stanford? Of course, this is college. Are there studious kids in Hecht? Of course, this is college. But overall, the reputations stay because there is some truth. Also, some years kids do not get placed in their first choice dorm. Either dorm, you will find friends that share your interests. All this aside, the Hecht lobby and elevators are a bit better, if that matters to you.</p>

<p>Didn’t they just renovate Stanford’s elevators? I’m not sure that argument works any more…</p>

<p>Uh…no. They most certainly did not in Walsh. The elevators are garbage. One skips floor 5 and the other won’t open its doors when it stops on our floor. Sometimes it stops about a foot above the actual floor outside the elevator. I almost always take the stairs down because it usually takes a good 5-10 minutes for an elevator to stop on my floor.</p>

<p>They’re actually kind of lovable in their own awful way. :D</p>

<p>They didn’t renovate Stanford’s elevators, but take this from a SG member, it’s happening this summer (and I know this has been rumored for several years, but it’s happening for REAL this time). :P</p>



<p>Lol… brings back memories of freshman year :)</p>

<p>This Hecht vs STANFORD argument comes up every year - and the only way to settle which one is the best always has been and always WILL be to take it outside! May the best dorm WIN this weekend!</p>

<p>Gee, I wonder which dorm illinoismom’s D lives in… ;)</p>

<p>When you select your dorm do you have to choose your roommate at that time? Or can you give your first choice dorm when you pay the deposit and then request your roommate later? My D knows which dorm she wants but it will be awhile before shee finds a roommate on facebook. Thanks!</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, you make your preference first, and then have more time later to select a roommate. It makes sense to choose a roommate ASAP though because you’ll want to coordinate both of you marking the same preference. Also, assignments are made in the order that you pair up with a roommate… meaning if you pair up and make your preference earlier, you’re more likely to get your preference.</p>