<p>Is it okay for a Stanford SCEA applicant to apply to Purdue by Nov. 15 which is their merit based scholarship deadline? Stanford is my First choice, undoubtedly, but since Purdue has rolling admissions(I think), can I apply for that as well??</p>
<p>someone help me…Please?</p>
<p>ill see what i can do</p>
<p>Exceptions to Stanford’s Restrictive Early Action Program
Applicants must agree not to apply Early Decision, Early Action or Early Notification elsewhere. Exceptions exist, however, and as a result, Restrictive Early Action applicants may apply to:</p>
<p>Any institution, public or private, under a non-binding Rolling Admission option.
Public institutions in a student’s home state under a non-binding Early Action program.
Foreign colleges/universities on any application schedule.
Institutions whose early application deadlines are a requirement for consideration for special academic programs or scholarships only if the notification of admission occurs after January 1.
Institutions under an Interim Decision program only if the notification of admission occurs after January 1. </p>
<p>i believe purdue is rolling so you are cleared by the first exception, and even if it isnt you are cleared under the fourth exception because you are applying for a scholarship</p>
<p>Thanks GimmeStanford…
But I don’t think the fourth exception works for me because they start releasing decisions in the 1st week of December…
Are you sure that Purdue has rolling admission?? Cause that would help because of the first clause…</p>
<p>according to <a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/Admissions/Undergrad/counselors/AdmissionsGuide.pdf[/url]”>http://www.purdue.edu/Admissions/Undergrad/counselors/AdmissionsGuide.pdf</a></p>
<p>Admission Notification
For fall 2009 enrollment, the initial release of admissions
decisions will be after 5 p.m. on December 5, 2008.
Decisions will be available online for students who apply
online. Decision letters will begin mailing on December
8. Decisions are not guaranteed by December 5. After
December 8, admission decisions will be released on a
rolling basis — daily as decisions are made.</p>
<p>also <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/354075-list-colleges-early-action-early-decision-rolling-admissions.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/354075-list-colleges-early-action-early-decision-rolling-admissions.html</a> lists purdue as rolling</p>
<p>i think you are fine, but if this isnt evidence enough you could always call stanford’s department of undergraduate admissions</p>
<p>but you should be fine</p>
<p>I think this will be more than sufficient…Thanks a tonne GimmeStanford…thanks a lot…</p>
<p>no problem</p>
<p>If it makes you feel any better, I applied to Purdue this week as well, for the same reason (Merit elegibility). I also applied to Stanford SCEA. I believe the early deadline is for merit elegibility only, but that aside from scholarship elegibility, an app submitted today is treated the same way as one submitted three months from now. </p>
<p>I may be wrong, but I believe the important thing is just not to apply to any other “early” programs. I don’t believe Purdue will treat our apps as “early” applicants just because we wanted to eligible for merit awards; there was never any point in the app where it asked early vs. regular. I believe, as an above poster mentioned, it’s rolling at Purdue.</p>
<p>this is going to seem really weird…but i happened upon this thread cuz i was wondering the same thing about umich (about whether it violates restrictive EA) and I am blown away by how generous you are, gimmestanford, with your help. I am amazed how you went and found all that information when he/she could have done it herself/himself. I really hope you get into Stanford; i think prestigious colleges like Stanford that are top-notch in research need people who are going to add a little humanity to the student body. okay, so i hope this didnt come across as too freaky.</p>
<p>That was pretty freaky, not gunna lie.</p>
<p>GimmeStanford always tends also to be right and on target, from the posts I’ve seen.</p>
<p>Hi neurochick, first of all, its he. LOL…
And yes I do agree that GimmeStanford has been extremely generous and I am indeed grateful to him…And I did try to look the info up and all I wanted by posting was to get confirmation of what I thought was right which GimmeStanford provided, being incredibly helpful in the process…</p>
<p>thanks guys</p>