Salutations to everyone on this website from a long-time reader but first-time poster. I stumbled upon an older thread created by a Yale applicant who discussed his Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) result. My question for you all is: what is your personality type? ENTP? ISFJ? Maybe it is the seven-year-old in me, but I think this activity is super cute. What is a better way to get to know your fellow classmates/applicants than knowing their true personalities?
[Disclaimer: My MBTI results concluded I identify as an INFJ (aka the least common in the world. Stanford craves diversity, right? go figure, lol) which led me to question how many people identify with the same personality type as I and what are the personality types of others.]
Oh, I forgot to mention I applied to attend fall of 2017! Im so nervous for the results, but Im staying on the positive side! I hope you get in too!! Good luck!
I am also an INTP @theglowingdragon
It would be interesting just to see if a certain personality type is favored.
Personally, I love these tests, even though they’re not perfect.
I’m an INFP! If you’re interested in MBTI, you should look into Carl Jung’s theory of cognitive functions, which is what MBTI is based off of. By memorizing each function, you can learn to type a lot of people you know, sometimes more accurately than the online test!
Myers-Briggs is fun, but if you take PSYCH 80 at Stanford, you’ll learn that it doesn’t hold up to scientific scrutiny; the National Academy of Sciences review concluded that only the I-E dimension has good validity, while the other three do not and also lack precision and utility. You will notice that no academic papers published in respectable journals use Myers-Briggs any longer.
You might want to take a look at the “Big Five” (OCEAN, NEO) personality trait model, which shares some similarities but is based on factor analysis. While also not perfect, the factors have been shown to have much better validity, predictive value, and generalizability across cultures. If you’re interested in personality psychology, you might want to try this inventory or another one used by academicians instead
For the record, the Big 5 scales correlate anywhere from .4 to .6 with the relevant functional dichotomies on the MBTI. Additionally, high Openness loads on low Conscientiousness on the Big 5 just like N loads on P on the MBTI.
True, the MBTI is out of favor with academic psychometricians, but I find the evidence against it to be overstated.
The place where the MBTI falls down is discrimination at the midpoint. There’s an IRT version of the MBTI that solves this problem (developed by RJ Harvey, if I’m remembering the name right), but because the rights holders to the MBTI don’t want the test administered via computer, which is a requirement for IRT, they gagged the results.
ETA: Also, I’m an INFP though not a Stanford applicant.
Parent here who would like to jump in. I’m a huge proponent of personality theory and love Myers Briggs. There are others and it’s good to use multiple because some focus more on how you work, etc.
so much is put on CC about fit for college but I think fitting your personality to your profession goes a long way to job satisfaction. Like anything, don’t let it lock you in but NF’s are going to be more prevelant in psychology, counseling, and clergy and ST’s in engineering. NF and ST has nothing to do with aptitude for math or social science.
Google your type and have fun reading! Expect that everything won’t be right but I’m 80% alignment when I read profiles of my type - ENFJ.