Stanford vs. Hecht

<p>Is there any difference between these dorms? They seem exactly the same, but I don't know. Is one supposed to be more social than the other?</p>

<p>The dorms are almost identical. Hecht has had its lobby remodeled (beautiful) and I think Stanford's is scheduled next. Stanford has music practice rooms so many of the music majors choose it. Stanford also has a few quiet floors. Other than that, they are pretty much the same and where most freshmen end up. Kids are equally happy in either.</p>

<p>Stanford is closer to the dining hall, but I think hecht has a better laundry area and the computer lab in it where Stanford doesn't. Of course, this is just rumor as I haven't been there yet to drop S off. he is going to be in Hecht due to being in the Foote Fellowship program and he wanted the dorm with the computer lab in it.</p>

<p>Hecht's lobby was remodeled last year in marble with new couches. The laundry room and elevators were also new for last year. Stanford's laundry room was remodeled at the end of spring term. One dorm isn't really more social than the other, but last year the staff at Stanford seemed more laidback than Hecht's, however that can chnage from year to year. This year the environment in both Hecht and Stanford will possibly change as there will be more upperclassmen living in the dorms due to the housing shortage.</p>

<p>Stanford has a quiet study room while Hecht does not, although both do have the regular study room aka "the fishbowl". Also Stanford has music practice rooms, Hecht does not, but the 2nd floor of Hecht is the musical theater dept.</p>