Stanford vs. Princeton

<p>^Unless one wants ORFE, or maybe even COS.</p>

Stanford UG get preferential treatment from Stanford Law Med Business PhD programs.</p>

<p>Princeton UG get 2nd class treatment from Harvard Yale Stanford Columbia grad/professional schools.</p>

<p>Very few Princeton UG can enter top grad schools</p>

<p>^Numbers please? Because I have not talked to someone here who is not going to a top 5 grad school if they are going to grad school at all.</p>

<p>At Yale Law, there are ‘5 times’ more Yale UG than Princeton UG.</p>

<p>All top grad/professional school prefer their own Undergrad School applicants. </p>

<p>[Yale</a> University Bulletin | Yale Law School 2009?2010 | Law School Students](<a href=“Welcome | Office of the University Printer”>Welcome | Office of the University Printer)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>So? Five times more Yale UG students could want to go.</p>

<p>Clearly it is better to be at a school where 10/10 UGs get in that one where 50/100000000 get in.</p>

<p>So find me rates or your post is just as worthless as every single other piece of drivel that pops out of your computer.</p>

<p>Baelor . Do you have inferiority complex ?</p>


<p>Man, your questions are so easy to answer! Are mine too difficult? I can understand if they are, because they require you be to informed and intelligent.</p>

<p>Given that you haven’t answered, I’ll leave it up to you to let us know which one you are not. ;)</p>

<p>Everyone hates Princeton because they can’t get in. </p>

<p>Stanford is seen as a “safety net” and a place that is “different” from the cliched ivy league. </p>

<p>To the people on the east coast, the grass is always greener on the other side. But California is lame and in shambles.</p>

<p>Hear, hear! That was my impression every time I’ve gone there. :p</p>

<p>I have my BA from Stanford. My daughter was accepted by Stanford and Princeton (as well as Columbia and some top liberal art colleges). We visited both colleges, and I had to agree with her: Princeton wins hands down as an undergraduate institution. If I had to do it all over again, I would have attended Princeton myself…</p>

<p>Momsters, what mad you think in that direction?</p>

<p>MOST DEFINITELY PICK STANFORD. i didn’t get in there, but it honestly has everything you could possibly want there. weather IS amazing. campus feels like a hotel. Best academics it seems like in every specific category on US News (but somehow theyre not ranked #1?). Pac 10 Athletics. go there…people f***ing swim in fountains there. Don’t be too concerned about turning away where you’ve already enrolled. </p>

<p>I on the other hand have an opposite situation. I enrolled at Wharton earlier this week over Princeton, but now I’m seriously regretting it. Maybe the name is getting to me (which goes against my values), but I also felt that Princeton was so much more tight knit and warm than UPenn. While I think Wharton is awesome, I’m worried about pre-professionalism and stuff. I’m so f***ing confused</p>



<p>Thanks for helping to convince the OP to go to Stanford!!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In your shoes, I’d have picked Stanford as well. </p>



<p>Why will they care? And which school–Stanford or P’ton? He didn’t apply ED; he just changed his mind. And besides, the adcoms are too busy to care. In case you haven’t noticed, application season is over.</p>

<p>And how does your analogy make sense? </p>

<p>He said he would go. He then doesn’t go.
I say I’ll shoot you, and I live up to my word.</p>



<p>Yes. And so? It’s called personal for a reason. Boo hoo, he broke the heart of a poor old admissions lady. A lady who probably forgot the OP’s name and will never see him again.</p>

<p>Lol. Just one concern. The Stanford site now says “response submitted.” There is no way for me to pay the enrollment deposit, even though I received an email back saying I needed to go back and pay by May 1st. I mean, it DOES say “response submitted.” This should be okay right?</p>

<p>tomjones, that was the result of certain Princeton ChE students rigging your Stanford portal so that you miss the payment deadline at Stanford…good thing you didn’t apply to CalTech, they would have taken your car apart and rebuilt it inside your living room.</p>

<p>Excuse my candor, but you’re THAT poor that you can’t even pay the deposit? I see that you’re a questbridge applicant. Don’t you already get a full ride?</p>






<p>Hence why he’s a QB applicant.</p>



<p>Congratulations. </p>



<p>He didn’t apply to Stanford via QB, he applied to Princeton QB. He gets generous loans since Stanford, like HYP, is need blind to American applicants.</p>

<p>What, does he live in a cardboard box or something? How the hell do you pay for your high school activities/tests etc, in order to get into these schools? Or do you just take money out of other people’s pockets?</p>

<p>iCalculus, please don’t tell me that you are complaining here because it appears that a student doesn’t have enough to pay the deposit.</p>

<p>are you sure that you want to go in this path?</p>