<p>drinks (XD whhhyyy did that come into my mind...)</p>
<p>chicks (char)</p>
<p>my girlfriend lol</p>
<p>my boyfriend (:</p>
<p>Cal (char)</p>
<p>Cal: 6-time NCAA goat-raping champions</p>
<p>cow (10 char)</p>
<p>Bloody explosions...</p>
<p>The phrase Jimmy said is on the back of his "Cal Sucks" T-shirt =] It is pretty awesome. I also enjoy the one where Koko the gorilla is signing "Cal is s**t."</p>
<p>SCEA application deadline (day after halloween)</p>
<p>lol... pretty sure I have to do this.</p>
<p><strong>sigh</strong> Maybe we should promulgate a "no repeat" rule...</p>
<p>Tressider Union? o.O;;;</p>
<p>or maybe we can force a 'one stanford per page' rule :) so far all three other pages have had one stanford.</p>
<p>LoL. Nice.</p>
<p>Michael Jackson.</p>
<p>(I thought of the robot dance, and then I thought of the moonwalk...)</p>
<p>Everyone saw it coming... =D</p>
<p>robots don't eat food!</p>
<p>teddy bear</p>