Stanford's Word Association Game


<p>second semester senior</p>


<p>AP Lit.....</p>

<p>boredom or in AP Lit terms ennui...</p>

<p>blase... boredom with pleasure, if i remember correctly in AP lit terms :)</p>


<p>(In that movie, there were characters named Blade and Laser and Blaser...)</p>

<p>3rd grade -</p>

<p>four square (haha i love that game)</p>

<p>chinese jump rope!!!</p>

<p>my parents</p>


<p>chinese people!</p>

<p>numerous (10 char argh)</p>

<p>bunny rabbits</p>

<p>carrots (10 char)</p>

<p>Sailor Moon (don't ask)</p>

<p>japanese .</p>


<p>chopsticks .</p>