<p>I've noticed that some ccers have started very prosperous businesses. I was wondering how to start or go about researching which type of business I should open? If this is the wrong forum, tell me where I should post.</p>
<p>I think you have the wrong idea here. Nobody successful starts a business because they want to start a business, but rather they see something of interest, and a business just naturally flows out of that. So look around at what you are interested in, see if there is a market, and then you can look at the more technical aspects (S Corp, C corp, LLC, nonprofit ect.). As you can imagine, the IDEA is by FAR the most importnat part of a business.</p>
<p>ask a question, and you won't start a business.</p>
<p>I myself run a very successful .net business. Tennisdude is absolutely correct. Don't start something because you think it'll look good on the college app, do it because you're actually interested in the area (and maybe a bit because it might look good :D). </p>
<p>For example, I started my own software and web development firm (which has evolved into much more now) a couple of years ago, out of personal interest, before I even knew what stuff like "Ivy League," "collegeconfidential," and "hook" meant. I was genuinely interested in programming and web site development, it was exciting and fun for me so I worked on it alot, and that's what got me where I am today. </p>
<p>In short, it takes alot of work to get a successful business going, you won't be able to do it if your heart isn't in it. So choose something you like and commit yourself to it. With hardwork (and some luck), you'll be successful.</p>
<p>how did you guys get the money? and what about all the legal stuff???</p>
<p>I started with 10 bucks for a domain. There isn't much legal stuff to handle, I get my mom (who in turn gets the guy at the library) to do my taxes :).</p>
<p>Do some reading on your state website. Taxes and such really seem like a lot but they are managable once you start learning. As for money, you could take a job at a drug store or something and start it up, or you could make a nice media kit and present it to some investors!</p>
<p>I run my own business too...though I won't mention it on my apps.</p>
<p>It's nice not having too worry about paying for college because you have the means to, which you earned by yourself w/o your parents help.</p>
<p>If you really have the urge for a business then my best advice would be to follow your interests. Follow what you like to do, what you are good at, what do you know alot about? Then observe your area, your city, your neighborhood, think, what do you think can be done better? What do you think is missing, what do you think can be filled, or filled better in your area? Then tie your interests and that and start a business. </p>
<p>I would then do some research on entrepreneur.com and learn about business plans, marketing, etc. Write a simple business plan, and start it. Just do it. Dont procrastinate, dont wait until everything is perfect, just do it. Read a couple books about marketing, like Guerilla Marketing and some.</p>
<p>Remember, it has to be something you are interested in doing. If you like to design websites, and maybe you even like law, then maybe you can design websites for lawyers? Or if you love to read books, then maybe you can start a local book exchange or something? Or maybe you can do something totally new.</p>
<p>Its alright to have the urge to start a business (but by all means, don tjust start one to impress adcoms, because you wont stick to it!), but what matters more is observation and patience, and when you have an idea, pounce right on it and start it without procrastination.</p>