<p>So, I've gotten authorization from the administration, and starting next year, I'll be leading the brand new school newspaper! I was wondering if fellow CCers have any tips or bits of helpful information for this massive endeavor. Thanks :).</p>
<p>Wow, that’s really impressive.</p>
<p>Firstly, you’ll need staff to write the articles. Editors to edit, and then someone (you?) as the EiC who oversees the whole operation. Faculty mentors may also help. </p>
<p>You may also need some type of computer program to create the paper so it is aesthetically appealing. Also you’ll need to get printing costs covered, and make sure the distribution and readership is strong. </p>
<p>I can’t imagine starting the paper at my school, as it’s evolved to have a massive (sometimes unnecessary) bureaucracy, and is just a massive endeavor as a whole. I don’t recommend shooting for gold in the first year, but rather to try and just get something started with a few pages of interesting reads. </p>
<p>Let me know how it goes!</p>
<p>I’ll give u the basic info of the school newspaper. (I was formerly the sports editor of my school newspaper, until i graduate tomorrow. please feel free to PM me for any questions or concerns.
<li>This is the staff my newspaper has:</li>
<p>-Editor in Chief
-Assistant Editor
-Entertainment Editor
-Sports Editor (me.)
-Photographer (unofficially, me. lol)
-Computer Technician
-and. . .yada yada yada. (oops. I meant staff writers. lol :P)</p>
<p>now, u can always add members, like Food Editor, Columnist, Blogger, Music Editor, i dunno. or subtract them. </p>
<li><p>we use Adobe Pagemaker 7.0. they are very handy to layout the newspaper on the computer. :)</p></li>
<li><p>Get Adobe Photoshop. . .any photoshop, does not have to be fancy.</p></li>
<li><p>Ask your local newspaper if they are willing to print ur newspapers. (usually, they will print for a nominal fee.) </p></li>
<li><p>FUNDRAISE. U NEED ALL THE $$$$$$$$ YOU CAN GET TO RUN THIS THING. I swear. </p></li>
<li><p>Newspaper is all about deadlines. please ensure a deadline so that u editors can proofread it, and a deadline for laying out the pages (or u editors lay em out urselves, or create a Design Editor position. lol)</p></li>
<li><p>HAVE FUN! Please, have fun with the rewarding experience u get with newspaper. :)</p></li>
<p>also, it would help if u go over some basic journalism theories and how to interview ppl/structure articles and the other journalism aspects to ur staff for a couple weeks before u begin this endeavor.</p>
<p>good luck and good skill on this jivy! feel free to pm if u have any questions.</p>
<p>thanks you guys!
I’ve defined the following executive positions:
President: in charge of running the whole schebang
EiC: goes through all articles
Editors for the different sections
Tech manager</p>
<p>and the the members that’ll write articles</p>
<p>what do you guys think?</p>
<p>Also, can anyone enlighten me in the technical aspect (i.e. what software do you guys use?)</p>
<p>We use Adobe Indesign, which can do a broad variety of things. Our school yearbook uses the same program.</p>
<p>We also use Indesign, it’s easy to learn and very efficient and versatile. You might want to start with only 1/2 the pages you plan on having eventually, to focus on quality over quantity while everyone learns the ropes.</p>
<p>Thing you’ll need an answer to:
-How often it will be published
-Will there be an online supplement (which I recommend)
-Who will do what (writers, photographers, page designers, etc.) jobs frequently overlap.</p>