Starting a thread for Class of 2023 (Fall 2019 start)

@PBJonRYE back then we received a letter in the mail. I don’t recall if we also got an email. My DD was NOT selected for a FA (Art) scholarship portfolio review, so those who were may have been notified a different way. I’d be surprised if it weren’t via email. Everything is now.

Kid just saw music and theater invites! He is SO excited! They came to parent addresses too. Check your mail!

Congrats @MusakParent!


Here, too! Just got the email for music scholarship weekend invitation. Thrilled!! Such a testament to years of hard work.

Congrats everyone!

Hey y’all, RD applicant here! Olaf is my dream school, top choice, and I only applied RD because of the music audition timelines. I just got my invitation for a live audition (I’m a vocalist), and I’m over the moon about it! I applied for the BM Vocal Performance major, with a double major of French as well. I’m super nervous and excited about getting results and auditioning. Also, for the record since everyone is dropping their stats, 30 ACT, superscored 31, cumulative 4.0 (don’t even ask me about weighted vs. unweighted at this point, because I transferred schools this year and I STILL don’t understand the new school’s system). I did every choir I could throughout high school and junior high, plus working and volunteering. I’m also from the Southwest, so hopefully that’ll be in my favor!

Hi @emeraldjinn my son is auditioning for BM VP also. Though he is open to BA options because he does want to double degree. Maybe in theater. Maybe in writing. He’d like to take composition lessons too. He has 5 auditions lined up this winter, but Saint Olaf is probably his favorite option on the table right now because you really can do ALL the things there. Such an amazing little school.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

The email we got thanking us for applying for music scholarship stated Jan. 25, whereas website said Jan. 20. Since some of you heard before the 20th I’m going to go with “not invited”. There is NOTHING on his portal except the message that it takes 5-7 business days and if you have questions call or email. We did both today with no response. Admissions said his counselor was working from home and they would have her call us but she didn’t. I was hoping he could at least audition for the major if not the scholarship. Wholistically he’s a good fit but I guess they don’t think so. If that’s the case I’d really appreciate an actual rejection instead of all this wondering so we can move on. At least he has a couple of acceptances but this was one of his top 2 choices. Still have 5 auditions left. I’ll let you know if a miracle happens.

Ugh I’m sorry @UniversityMomOf2 ! One of my kid’s music teachers had a kid matriculate to a BM within the past couple years to Lawrence who wasn’t invited to audition at Saint Olaf. This process is so crazy and unpredictable. I hope you get a clear answer quickly! Maybe it’s possible that they staged out responses by instrument?! I find it odd they wouldn’t notify those who weren’t invited at the same time? I’ll cross fingers for a good response for your son!

@MusakParent thanks for the ?? I know you were with me from the beginning of this journey. In fact you might have been the one to tell me about St. Olaf. It does seem odd to me that they wouldn’t at least notify us even if it’s a rejection. I was concerned this might happen as his music teacher did NOT write a good letter of recommendation. Although his band directors did. It could be his pre-screen wasn’t to their standards, his SAT not high enough, too low EFC, didn’t like his writing or anything. Or an oversight and a miracle will happen. But to ignore his email and not return my call doesn’t bode well. Our email does say notifications start today but since everyone else’s here came a week ago I’m not anticipating a positive result. He does have a couple of acceptances. So, he WILL go to college. But he was hoping for the invite and hoping he could cancel one or two other auditions. I will keep you updated. At least one acceptance was from one of his top 3. So I’m trying to look on the bright side.

You are always welcome to PM me too @UniversityMomOf2 ! We’re all going to come out on the other end ok! Having other acceptances is really helping me keep my head on straight too. They’re going to college - we didn’t screw up too badly. :slight_smile:

@UniversityMomOf2 I got my email for a vocal audition last Friday, but I only got my letter in the mail today. If it helps, I emailed my admissions counselor 2 weeks ago, and I still haven’t gotten a reply back, so don’t lose hope yet! I think that everyone is mired down in the onslaught of RD applications and so everything is taking more time than usual.

Well sadly I braved the subzero to go get the mail tonight and found the thin little envelope from St. Olaf. Son is at All-State until tomorrow so he told me I could open it since we already figured what it would say. It was a rejection. We will never know why, but it was so generic that it said that they weren’t inviting him for the scholarship audition and thus can’t accept him as a music major “if you applied”. Then it goes on to tell him all about the many music opportunities available to audition for once on campus and the ability to continue with private lessons. Also continues with a line about a dozen kids successfully re-audition to the music major freshman year and can usually still graduate in 4 years. I know Lawrence occasionally does that as well. He’s an education major, not performance so neither school lets him declare until sophomore year and Olaf requires you to formally apply to BM and education simultaneously. So, I guess now we have to wait to see if he gets accepted as a BA and if so if he wants to risk it or just go with one of his other acceptances. He’s taking it in stride. Me not so much. It’s hard to have your child get rejected even knowing it’s part of life especially in music. The mama bear wants to come out. I’m glad he’s doing ok with it though. He’s never had a music rejection before. Good to know he can handle it. @MusakParent sending you a PM.

@UniversityMomOf2 I just wanted to say that I am sorry and am wishing him (and you) the best on acceptance as a BA.

@CAmom01 Thank you so much. Hoping for the BA as well. Anyone know anybody to successfully get that option and actually succeed at moving into music?

Sorry to hear of the thin envelope, @UniversityMomOf2 – hope y’all can find a good alternate path, be that the BA or otherwise…

Any ED or RD (Buntrock) notifications yet? It must be getting close!

My DD was accepted ED with a cello scholarship (awarded on her video submission). She was originally thinking about conservatory, but decided on St. Olaf at the last minute so she could continue singing as well as cello and potentially double major in cello performance and either psychology or math. We’ve never been to the school, and we live in Los Angeles, so we’re in for some big surprises!

Her test scores and gpa are unremarkable, but she attends a top-10 high school in the US and has a pretty amazing music resume.

Congratulations to your daughter! That’s great! If she applied ED2, when was she notified from St Olaf? The last day or two?

Ah, I believe that she is in for some GOOD surprises. It’s a special school, especially for a musician. The math program is fantastic. If she chooses psychology, she might want to consider a concentration in statistics (since she is mathematically inclined) as that would complement any psychology research. Congrats again!

Just wondering if anyone has heard anything about Buntrock scholarship weekend.

I was just notified that I’m a Buntrock scholarship finalist! I’m also a finalist for a music scholarship. Very exciting.