Starting an Autobiography

<p>I have a little problem. I'm supposed to write an autobiography for a certain college but I'm currently stomped because I have no idea how to start and also have no idea how to cram 16 years of my life into one page. So I'm asking if anybody has any ideas or a link to a page that explains an extremely good way to start an autobiography? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance for all the replies!!!!</p>

<p>Wait, I'm confused, they want you to write your whole autobiography in one page, usually they're just like take page 216 out of your autobiography or something like that, though I don't see how you could squeeze so much into one essay unless they want to see what a succint writer you can be, but yes it is a strange situation, and I don't see how you would be able to accomplish this task unless it was a considerably bland essay.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Here's a link to the application. I'm required to complete Essay One but I have no idea how to begin.</p>

<p>I see, well how I interpret it [and I could very well be mistaken] but I think they just want you to describe yourself as best as you can just taking perhaps your favorite characteristics, achievements, etc. or perhaps you could opt to be sort of critical of yourself admitting that you're not perfect and have faults like everyone else. Also, this essay looks very similar to one I had to do for Harvey Mudd in which they were basically like: Describe yourself, and you can be creative if you want. And I took up that creative aspect and wrote a poem consisting of rhyming couplets do describe myself in the most eccentric manner [though considering the school, Gerorgetown is definitely not as overtly quirky as HMC, but it's just food for thought]</p>

<p>So how would you suggest I start this essay. If creative, what methods can be implemented? Do you have any links on the internet that can explain better? Again, thanks for the replies</p>

<p>This is really something that needs to come from you...</p>

<p>You can start out a number of ways, but here are some creative suggestions:</p>

*straightforward, declarative approach</p>

<p>Or, perhaps most blandly, rephrase the prompt.</p>

<p>Well, I know I had to write a personal statement for a college describing myself, I used two tactics really, I gave a concise comparison of myself to both a literary character and a real person (well, the person I want to be, ideally, in my case is was Lennie (Of Mice and Men) and Lou Gehrig) and the ever popular anecdote. I also think I blended the literary and real by using the basic storyline of Boxer (the horse in Animal Farm) and implanting Lou Gehrig's story (known as the Iron Horse) and changing the setting from a farm to a baseball field.</p>

<p>But that was myself, a person who loves books and baseball, you have to find something for yourself, but that's what I did in my favorite admissions essays. Most of the other ones were straightforward, declarative as said by saint_paul.</p>