I took the California High School Proficiency exam and passed it which allows me to start community college early, but wanted to know if it was an advisable option. This year I’m taking AP Physics C (which covers both mechanics and electricity and magnetism) or I might take Physics 1 and 2, AP US Gov, AP Econ, AP Stats (or Multi-variable Calculus instead), AP English Literature, and a second year of language if my new school has it to fulfill language requirement or else I’ll apply to college saying that I didn’t have the second year language option available to me and probably take AP Psych or AP World History. Would those AP classes bring more college credit than doing my freshman year in a community college? Let me know what would be advisable.
Be aware that many colleges will give merit scholarships (which can be quite large) only to incoming freshmen. I would be very wary of doing a year of community college and putting yourself out of the running for many scholarships unless you have investigated finances already and are sure you want to do the cc-transfer route. A student as strong as you evidently are might be able to get some large scholarships. Discuss your plan for paying for college with your parents. Most likely they are not prepared for how much it will cost.
If you are taking mostly AP classes anyhow, I don’t see how having cc classes would get you more credits. Look on the websites of colleges of interest–most will post their policies for each AP.
@mathyone I’m mostly going for UCLA and USC. I’ve looked at their credits they give for APs, but not sure how the transfer process for community college classes work. I also can’t find the credits needed to be a sophomore in college as I would like to use AP credit and/or community college to finish college earlier. Do you have any info as to whether AP classes are better for specifically UC’s or USC?
Sorry, I don’t. The admissions offices at these schools may be able to help you. I also don’t know about transfer policies–I thought it’s more normal to transfer after 2 years of cc. Look into it.
It’s better to apply as a freshman and have advanced standing because you have a shot at great scholarships, whereas attending community college as a regular student would make you a transfer and thus ineligible for scholarships. If you’d dual-enrolled (HS student enrolled in college before HS graduation), you’d still retain your freshman status.
If you can dual enroll and retain your freshman status, feel free to do that, otherwise stay in HS and take the advanced classes you’ve planned to take.
I agree…stay in HS and do dual-enrollment. You seem academically inclined so apply to 4 year colleges as a freshman to increase your chances of merit scholarships. Go to the Financial aid subforum to see colleges that offer merit scholarships automatically based on your SAT/GPA