Starting Over

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>I'm 28 years old and I just started going to college to work on my B.A. I'm married and I have a one year old son, I work full time and I currently go to school full time (online campus of course). </p>

<p>Here is my question: What are my chances of actually getting into a "top 10" university? When i came out of high school I had a 4.0 and I was heavily involved in community programs, school clubs and I was offered a scholarship for singing; however my family pushed me to get a job instead of going to college because I was required to take care of myself after I turned 18. </p>

<p>I have to retake SAT's and on top of that, my current GPA was just lowered from a 4.0 to a 3.89 because of an A- in one of my classes. I feel like all hope is lost now and given that I've been out of high school for 10 years, I also feel like I have nothing else to offer (such as athletics or something) that could help my less-than-perfect GPA. </p>

<p>I'm on the dean's list and I'm also a member of the Golden Key club and the historical society at my school (I'm history major) but that's it.</p>

<p>Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to improve my chances at reaching my dream of attending a top university? I feel silly asking, I'm not sure if there's really anyone on this site in a similar position as I am!</p>

<p>Well, first, you need to consider the financial and non-financial costs of attending a “top 10 university” for someone in your situation. Are you willing and able to uproot your family and move to whatever “top 10 university” accepts you? How will your family be supported? Can your spouse find a new job in your new location?</p>

<p>If you are already taking college-level courses online from an accredited institution, you will, in many cases, be required to apply as a transfer student, and transfer admissions at tippy-top universities are extraordinarily limited and competitive. How many credits have you completed?</p>

<p>I personally advise you to lower your expectations somewhat. The top 10 schools are not really friendly to someone in your situation. Harvard has a transfer acceptance rate of 1-3%. The other schools are not that much better, although Cornell is an exception with a transfer acceptance about the same as that of a potential freshman. I advise you to consider the top state schools (Cal, UCLA, UVa, U of M, not UNCCH) which are much more accommodating to older students.</p>

<p>I recommend looking into Smith College’s Ada Comstock Program. Smith is a well respected women’s college. It is very accommodating (Ada is for non traditional students anyway). I almost went there for undergrad. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>Ada Comstock Scholars Program | Smith College;