Starting Science Olympiad at my school - Help?

<p>At my school a few friends and I have recently started up a Science Olympiad club at our school with the intention of competing in the Spring. We already have many potential members that we've evaluated and a coach (club advisor). However, we're not quite sure where to go from here in terms of registration, registration fees (we're not even quite sure how much registration costs), navigating the given websites, the exact date of the Science Olympiad competition, etc. We would greatly appreciate it if any of you CCers could provide us with some information or advice and help us become acquainted with the process. Thanks again!</p>

<p>Are there any schools close by that also have Science Olympiad teams? Because then there would probably be a county Science Olympiad chapter, and you could look that chapter up to see the competition date… </p>

<p>I’m not really sure how it works if there isn’t a close by chapter.</p>

<p>Go to the state website. Then look for your region. Then from there read how to register a team.</p>